First Modification

  • Thread starter The Shade
Hmmm. Depends on the car. If I'm in a game that's young and fresh, and have limited money to spend, it'll usually be one of the following: sport suspension, computer chip, sports or semi-racing exhaust, or something cheap along those lines. If I have some money leftover, I'll buy a single-plate clutch and/or sport flywheel.

Now if I have an average amount of money (say anywhere from $50,000 to $250,000) it depends on the race I'm entering and which car I'm trying to drive. I had strict guidelines for the races..

...and I try not to spend too much money just cuz I don't wanna wreck my entire budget on a single car. Semi racing suspension, sport tires...maybe some slicks...depends.

Finally, if I'm stinking driver getting bathed in champagne so often he needs a new racing suit every week :embarrassed:, then I have a tendency to "drop the bank"....every car I buy, I'll usually get a double for it--especially if I can put a race kit on. :D And I'll just buy all the parts I feel like...just so I have variety at the tracks and don't have to go back and buy something I've missed.
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I'll always buy the Stage 1 weight reduction as my first mod for any car. It's very cheap, and makes the car just a hair more responsive in every way, without changing its overall nature. (I don't like to really change the car's setup before I ever drive them when they're stock) As I play this on my PSP, and not a console, I always choose tires as my second mod, to make the car's a little easier to control and more forgiving of overcorrection (that analog nub isn't exactly a G25, if ya get my drift). If I don't have much cash and the car will see limited use, I'll just get sports tires, but if I can swing it and I'd use them, I'll go for some racing rubber, usually R2 or R3.
Mine is often a computer chip, as little money remains from buying a first car. However, I have purchased flywheels and experimented with weight reduction in the first days of playing.
I remember, the day I first got GT2, I bought a used Toyota Supra (Dark red or green, cant remember) and bought it a racing flywheel. I was only like 8 at the time i didnt know about cars too much, and it was really cheap as well.
I'm with superberkut. Computer chip seems to bring the cheapest initial horsepower gain. 👍
December 17, 1999
   1-7    license --obtain B,A,IC,IB,IA licenses

   8   buy car Supra red mica Supra -> Cr5,775 WR1 -> Cr4,575  TS1 -> Cr75
   8      Supra Sunday/Tahiti        1st      none
   9      Supra Sunday/HSR           1st      none
  10      Supra Sunday/RedRock       1st      none
  11   Cr12,075
  11   mod car Supra Rmuff -> Cr7,275
  11      Supra Sunday/Tahiti        1st      none
  12      Supra Sunday/HSR           1st      none
  13      Supra Sunday/RedRock       1st      none
  14   Cr19,275
Looks like it was weight reduction stage 1, and turbo-charging stage 1. Or is that turbo-charging stage 1, and weight reduction stage 1?
December 17, 1999
   1-7    license --obtain B,A,IC,IB,IA licenses

   8   buy car Supra red mica Supra -> Cr5,775 WR1 -> Cr4,575  TS1 -> Cr75
   8      Supra Sunday/Tahiti        1st      none
   9      Supra Sunday/HSR           1st      none
  10      Supra Sunday/RedRock       1st      none
  11   Cr12,075
  11   mod car Supra Rmuff -> Cr7,275
  11      Supra Sunday/Tahiti        1st      none
  12      Supra Sunday/HSR           1st      none
  13      Supra Sunday/RedRock       1st      none
  14   Cr19,275
Looks like it was weight reduction stage 1, and turbo-charging stage 1. Or is that turbo-charging stage 1, and weight reduction stage 1?

I think it was weight reduction stage 1, and turbo-charging stage 1. ;)
In order of importance:

Flywheel (for small engines, skip it for big V-8's)
Weight reduction
Port & polish
racing transmission
Racing modification
I like to do:
-weight reduction s1
-tires (sports if I'm just starting out, low on cash, or its a casual car, RM's otherwise)
-If I've got the cash and don't like the stock wheels, I'll usually upgrade them with the tires)
-racing brakes, unless the car feels especially strong in this area to start with
-S3 clutch and flywheel
-At this point I play with the car a good bit to see whether it would benefit more from a suspension or drivetrain upgrade. Depending on how you drive the car, a properly set up LSD and transmission (and cf driveshaft, if applicable) can make a HUGE difference, though many cars are in desperate need of a suspension upgrade first. This part all depends on how the car feels to me.
-weight reduction s2
-I'll perform the suspension or drivetrain mod I didn't earlier at this point
-brake controller and s3 WR pretty much round things out, the racing modification completely depends on the car and my mood

You'll notice I didn't include any power mods. This does not mean that I do not perform them, but b/c of the power restrictions in GT2, I buy power mods based on necessity and the regulations. So what parts I buy and when are completely affected by which races I am running the car in. I am, however, fond of saving the staged upgrades (be they turbo or NA) for last, if I do them at all.
Usually, I shell out for the Racing Transmission first before making any other (if any other) upgrades.
I remember cars which were powerful as stock benefited a lot from fitting LSD.
Well on my Celica GT-R i had a sports racing muffler and a aports flywheel. But it was still slow. On my Corona Exiv i had the computer chip installed. Still slow.:sly:. Now if i had $50,000 it would all depend on the track, race and how many laps i have to do.