First post of many

  • Thread starter BeRandom
United States
Hey there :gtplanet:.

While looking for some info about GT5 about a month after it was released, I found your wonderful community. Since then I've been absorbing as much information as possible.

I'm proud to say that my first GT game was GT1. I'm not so proud to say that I've somehow only managed to play the odd numbered games. In the beginning I used the D-pad to steer, then moved my thumb over to the analog stick when I started GT5. That didn't last too long though. Soon after lurking here and reading about how a wheel really improves the experience, I did a lot of research. Of course I did the whole DFGT or G27 thing, and ended up with a DFGT. You guys helped me without even knowing it, and for that I offer my thanks.

I do play games other than just racing, but that's not what we're here for is it? If I had to describe my driving style it would be a little on the aggressive side but not to the point of ruining another drivers race. I'm always trying to find that little bit of time hiding out somewhere on the track, and exploring different lines. Just last night I started driving with 0 TCS and found cars to be much more predictable and rewarding.

The main reason I registered is that I was looking for something more competitive and clean. I also really admire and respect the driving etiquette that this community upholds. Right now the traveling I do for work makes it hard to commit to a league/series. I can be home for 2 weeks, then gone for 3. So consistency is the issue.

So far it looks like C.R.A.P. and S.N.A.I.L. might be the places for me. Any other suggestions are more than welcome.

In the real world I drive an Automatic (yea I know) 2002 Focus XZ3. No one in my family knows how to drive a manual, but looking back I should have just taught myself.

Here's to seeing you guys, and girls, on the track.
Welcome to :gtplanet:

CRAP would be a great place if you want to have fun without set times for races.
WELCOME to GTPlanet! Hope you enjoy the forums.
I have a chain of teams, called TNG. If you specifically looking for clean racing, check out NGR. We are a small team looking for new members, and there are PLENTY of slots for members.
Other then, C.R.A.P or S.N.A.I.L seem like nice groups!