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  • Thread starter CProgar
United States
Hi out there. Names chris. I don't have the kind of tine to play like some of you petrolheads do how ever I do love Me some GT. I don't have a wheel like some do. Just my thumbs is all I use like back in the day. Feel free to hit me up and invite to a ra ce now and then if you like. Willing cars too once and a while. Progar08 on playstation. Can not do anything for the next 24 as my bobs are running earths but feel free to add me and if I can play I will!
Your Bobs are running earth! Cosmic. ;)

Welcome aboard, you'll never leave.
Well who know what the bobs do when they aren't racing. Sarthe should be done about 6pm or so eastern so if I can get permission from my wife I might be able to do a race. Just cant be a long one.
P.s. if I bump you im not trying to be rude or spin out. Just saying oops as I missed my mark. Doesn't happen too often but I still have a bit of rust on me.
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