Fitting In and Staying with a Select Group

  • Thread starter JohnBM01


21 years!
United States
Houston, Texas, USA
Being part of a society means that you have to try to fit in. In elementary, if you weren't into being a bully, you would be hated on. If you live in America and liked cars that AREN'T American, you'd probably be hated on. Sometimes, trying to fit in with other people can be quite a big deal. Often times, being reminded to just be yourself doesn't really work at times. I've seen countless shows about people trying to fit in with a certain society or a certain clique. Even I wanted to fit in to certain places until I learned that I don't have to be like others to be respected. I learned that in AOL chats, and since things have been getting crappy, I decided to get back into forums. And now, here I am on GTPlanet. Hee hee. But the opinions for you to express are:

(1) What are you opinions about trying to fit in with other people and other societies and cultures/subcultures?

(2) When fitting in gets tough, how can you try to remain staying with that group?

To answer question (1), it can be tough to try to adapt to new cultures and learning new terms. When I came to GTPlanet, I didn't really know what it meant to "own" someone. So when I seen stuff about "YOU GOT OWNED!!!," I honestly thought people on forums had some sort of fair market value, and if you own that person, you basically RULE that person on the forums. To answer question (2), I'm a bit of a sports fan (understatement, I know), but when American sports reporters talk racing, I feel that I don't belong because I'm into racing and they don't show respect to it.

Nevermind my opinions. Reply now with yours.
Hmm... Screw fitting in, I just like what I like and if you like it too cool, if not oh well... That's one reason I didn't post in the "controversial 101 populartity" thread (I think that's the name). In high school I didn't want to be in any of those "groups" because they were all stupid and it's pretty much been that way ever since. I just seems hard to find anyone that like the same things I like, the only bad part about not "fitting in" is you don't have a lot of friends. You know what I say to that... screw that 1. I'm getting too old to care and 2. I hear about how people always give in to peer pressure and I never had any problems with it. Be smart do be stupid and jump off the cliff with your "so called" friends. Hmm... I probably didn't make much sense in all that but I don't care, it's getting late and I can't think.
wasn't there a thread like this already??

1. screw fitting in!

2. screw fitting in!

no one should ever go out of there way to 'fit in'... unless your a CIA operative or undercover law enforcement.
**** the jocks and upperclassmen.

i'm a nerd.:cool:

I don't really care. I have friends scattered around in different groups.
In the high school halls, in the shopping malls, conform or be cast out. In the backs of cars, be cool of be cast out.

That said, I fit in somewhere. Where that is, I don't know. I certainly didn't devote a lot of energy trying to fit in with a specific group. Fitting in just happens.
I fit in with everybody, to one degree or another.

I think the fact that I've never really given a flying **** about fitting in made me fit in with everybody.