Fixing horrendous understeer on a Del Sol

United States
Grosse Ile, MI
It seems no matter what I do, raising the rear, stiffening the front. Toe out in the front, heavy camber in the front. Anti-roll bars at 2 in the front and 4 in the rear. I cant for the life of me to get the car not to handle like a boat. Its to the point I cant even get it around the Gambon turn on the test track. So to start from scratch, what should I do to this car to make it not under-steer as though it was driven by someone with no arms.
What tires?

Ride hight - 0/-15
Spring rate - (not sure the exact numbers, not at home) 7.5/3.0
Extension - 7/5
Compression - 3/8
ARB - 4/4
Camber - 1.8/0.0
Tow - -0.18/0.00

Here is a place to start.

Good luck
I run sports soft on it. Also could the Diff be playing into this, Im pretty sure its set to default.

Sure. Try 18/22/10.
I would test this, but like I said. I'm not home right now.
That is substantially better. However its still a good bit tight to the point I cant get around hammerhead faster than 15. I'm not sure what the next step would be as this is the first FF car I've actually bothered to care about.

I see you're busy at the moment, but thank you and whenever you get more time I greatly appreciate this.

2 last things, it has a wing on it so should I set the downforce to 0? and would the tuning be essentially the same for the standard cr-x?
Set brakes to 7 in the rear and 3 in the front.
Downforce to 5
Lowered camber to 1 in he front, still 0 in the rear.
Raised spring rate in the front to 8.5.
This is almost spot on, but still a little weak.

again I have almost 0 experience with anything FF so where do I go from there? I hope I dont have to raise the front and make it look ridiculous, lol.
Front wheel drive cars generally don't need a wing, so removing the wing would help (you can only get to 5 for lowest setting). Brake balance could help to, maybe 3/5 or 4/7.

If I have time over the next few days I'll give it a run to see if I can get a tune on it 👍

Edit - you posted too fast :lol:
Set brakes to 7 in the rear and 3 in the front.
Downforce to 5
Lowered camber to 1 in he front, still 0 in the rear.
This is almost spot on, but still a little weak.
Raised spring rate in the front to 8.5.

again I have almost 0 experience with anything FF so where do I go from there? I hope I dont have to raise the front and make it look ridiculous, lol.

I would bump he front brake balance up to 4 and the rear camber up to around 0.5.
I have a del sol tuned with 280hp, 946kg, wing at 15 and sports soft on share, send me FR ( I'm on online on PS3 now ), and give it a try.
Mines already tuned above that actually, but if you would post your suspension settings that would be nice.

Could this also be driver error, should I be turning in sooner than I would with an fr car because it wont slide? Should I be trying to make handbrake turns?
Extreme toe out at the rear will make it understeer less, maybe even make it oversteer. If you're getting wheel spin coming out of trurns, then maybe more accel for LSD and high rear bound and high rear spring rate.
Mines already tuned above that actually, but if you would post your suspension settings that would be nice.

Could this also be driver error, should I be turning in sooner than I would with an fr car because it wont slide? Should I be trying to make handbrake turns?

Here is my suspension tune, I can send you the car if you want, I have spare Del Sol.

Height : -20/-25
Spring : 8.0/6.0
Damper Ext : 5/7
Damper Comp : 4/6
Anti Roll : 1/1
Camber : 0.9/2.9
Toe : -0.11/-0.11

These settings without wings will give a looser rear and better steering, to get the best out of FF cars, brake in straight line, and accelerate out of the corner gradually.
Surprisingly setting the rear toe to max was the ticket. I was able to consistently make every turn except California.

Your advice on cornering was another major fault I was making.

I'm gonna make a second sheet and see what your settings do, as these ones work, but are a bit squirly.

Or you could be an awesome person and send it to me like you said :D

I was hesitant to join these forums for so long, I regret my delay wholly.
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Negative max. Like I said it works but it's squirly. About to try the setup posted after that one.

That works…but word of warning, go above 130mph or so, you better pay attention, since -ve toe has the effect of making cars twitchy, the higher, the more it weaves. So you know…be prepared to be sawing away at the steering quite a bit in a straight line. :lol:
Re-tuned to rotary junkies tune and had much more overall success. So I am pretty well set now. Thanks everyone.

Not sure if someone would have any idea for maximizing my gear ratios though ;) I think there's alot more potential for acceleration I'm not gearing right. Also should I step the turbo down to mid range?
Re-tuned to rotary junkies tune and had much more overall success. So I am pretty well set now. Thanks everyone.

Not sure if someone would have any idea for maximizing my gear ratios though ;) I think there's alot more potential for acceleration I'm not gearing right. Also should I step the turbo down to mid range?

Doc, RJ, your forte! :lol:

But before that, try this. Reset gearbox to default, set top speed slider to the lowest, final to the lowest. 1st all the way to the left, highest 2 gears to the right, balance the rest so they look like they are around the same length on the graph.
Doc, RJ, your forte! :lol:

But before that, try this. Reset gearbox to default, set top speed slider to the lowest, final to the lowest. 1st all the way to the left, highest 2 gears to the right, balance the rest so they look like they are around the same length on the graph.
Move final gear untill you get a decent tranny topspeed. If the Del Sol is powerful enough to spin the tyres in first it's alright.
Extreme toe out at the rear will make it understeer less, maybe even make it oversteer. If you're getting wheel spin coming out of trurns, then maybe more accel for LSD and high rear bound and high rear spring rate.

I say hell no... Stock toe and camber... LSD set to 7-35-15... Found it makes ff more stable and rwd more fun to slide for speed (inertia drifting).... Most every tune I tried with that LSD the car became loads more responseive to steer and more controllable to slide.
I say hell no... Stock toe and camber... LSD set to 7-35-15... Found it makes ff more stable and rwd more fun to slide for speed (inertia drifting).... Most every tune I tried with that LSD the car became loads more responseive to steer and more controllable to slide.

Please note... The LSD was perfected on the sunfire gxp... A car that had crappy handling and worse under steer on a ff chassis.
I say hell no... Stock toe and camber... LSD set to 7-35-15... Found it makes ff more stable and rwd more fun to slide for speed (inertia drifting).... Most every tune I tried with that LSD the car became loads more responseive to steer and more controllable to slide.
Stock toe numbers are crappy, I'm sorry.
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