RVDNuT374 3,770 Manning, SC Jan 22, 2003 #1 How many flight hours do you have in the Skimmer? I'm around 1:10 Liutenant.
Magic069 5,891 Jan 22, 2003 #2 I feel so beind when I read these type posts. I had to wait so long to get VC.
Vasco Salting the snail Premium 10,309 San Francisco, CA Vasco506 Vasc0 Jan 26, 2003 #7 I think about two or three minutes.
RVDNuT374 3,770 Manning, SC Feb 4, 2003 #12 Mr. Dodo came back from GTA3, but this time he got a set of full wings (no more crashing face first into the water ) and pontoons.
Mr. Dodo came back from GTA3, but this time he got a set of full wings (no more crashing face first into the water ) and pontoons.
Magic069 5,891 Feb 4, 2003 #13 Oh, thats called the skimmer! I always fly it, and then end up not saving afterwards!
RVDNuT374 3,770 Manning, SC Feb 5, 2003 #14 Now i'm off to stealing the full winged dodo flying over VC.