FOOOORE! Watch out. Coming thru'.

My first Post:
Hello GTplaneteers!
Been lurking for months now and mostly want to thank everyone here for making me laugh out aloud, helping me immensely with advice on GT 5 (among other things), educating me on frighteningly esoteric subjects - as well as telling me stuff I have no use for but still find interesting!:)

I come from a HUGE family of gamers - we have pretty much every game console there is going way back to the Commodore 64, and most of them are being used, if not already time-capsuled for future progeny.

I am from Canada, I play with a G25 (Love it!) - all my 'own' games in the family are either racing or flying games.
Ok, I confess, I play Sims too.:sly:

How did I find GTPlanet?

Well, was already into many GT sites - Kerrs' , GTFox's, etc, etc, too many nice people to mention, (because of GT4) but after starting up GT5, I clicked on Stormbringers' Trial Mountain test thread, which held me enough to investigate other threads (and the flavour of moderation) and I find that this is a solid, helpful, humourous, and incredibly eclectic community.

Please accept me into your ranks and I will do my best to be an asset to your community.
And finallly, but not least - a Thank You to Jordan, for the opportunity.

Blessings. . .


Added: I lost the G25 and now play with a DFGT.
Added: I now have a G27, too. Awesome wheel.

1st August 2011:
Still here. After a hundred posts. Enjoying GTPlanet tremendously-the debates, the comedy, the helpful info, the pictures and videos, the constant discussions around our favourite pastime - which is being petrolheads, gasoline junkies, car nuts . . . effecting everything in our lifestyle.

7th June 2012:
And a thousand posts later . . . I can't believe I'm still here. Not because I've not been booted out for buffoonary. The ratio of newcomers who are shutout is miniscule to the amount of members who register, make a few posts and then disappear. There are a dozen good communities out there devoted to racing games, onlineplay, and informative and entertaining communal foruming. So what is it about GTPlanet that keeps one of the 'elders' of gaming scrolling away here? The GTPlanet Community. And I'm talking about the community that has been here many, many years - who have stuck though thick and thin and made this site what it is today. You know who you are. I thank you for all the great work you've done, and continue to do, as we attract more and more like-minded people.
GTPlanet is growing, ever-evolving, into the kind of 0ne-Stop-Shop site that can turn into a News/Entertainment/Trading/Blogging/Social-networking/Hobby, et al Hot-spot that draws in people from 13 to 113. With all of them having gas-tanks for bellies, tires for feet, and an ECU planted firmly between their eyes.
Cheers Everybody! Happy to be here still, and thanks for all the fish good times. 👍

"The Silver Fox" ;)

24th March 2013
Update: 3000 Posts! :crazy: WTH have I been saying?


I know it's not a race to the finish when contributing, but I seem to have done more laps than I would have envisaged when I joined up to post two years ago. Well, tomorrow (today for some of you) I begin my third year here - and I must say that I have never laughed so hard sometimes, or learned so much about racing and cars and gaming, and . . . beer . . . babes, gods, foods, tragedies, comedies, world events. . . . so many interesting polls . . . did I mention model cars? . . .:lol:

Thanks, once again, Jordan, and a hug to all the staff that volunteer to do the really great job they do over here to keep the site decent and active.
Yes . . . I'll be renewing my subscription. Least I can do. ;)



16th April 2014.

3 years . . . I'm getting old at this rate. :)

24th March 2015

Four laps around the Sun . . . with GTPlanet to keep me company. It's been a great ride. Such a great community - wise old folk, sparklingly brilliant youngsters, people from many walks of life united in one way or another to a love of cars, and every lifestyle, and discipline to go with it - whether it's racing or racing movies, driving or driving music, tinkering, toying, tuning or touching in one way or another - this brings us together and then scatters us, like seeds in the right directions of the planet. GTPlanet, that is.
Drifters, Draggers, Foodies and Movie Addicts, guitar players, and soon-to-be real racers, programmers and lawyers, accountants and janitors, schoolboys and M.Scs . . . they are all here in their niches enjoying the planet. And I'm one of those lucky people to be around such people - four years gone by, as many Christmasses, New Year Eves, and far more DLCs, and Seasonals gone by.
Some memorable threads came. And went - ghosts of time, textual neutrinos . . ..
GT5 firmly entrenched as a game to be played on and off, but GT6 now in full blast, hype train overloaded to the rails.
Spring just sprung - the same as it does every year I get to update this thread with the note that another year has gone.
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Hi ashes619, how are you? Thanks for taking a moment to welcome me. BTW - does your id have anything to do with cricket? Just FYI - I've joined the GT Players Club. Now I'm really getting in deep, eh?
I'm fine. The ashes in my ID is my nickname but people also do link it to cricket and the 619 is just a number I put in it.
Well, Ashes, here I am making my #100 post. Does time fly . . . my time is limited, have not touched A-Spec in weeks, though I've played some B-Spec occasionally. I visit GTPlanet at least once or twice a day - just through my iPhone, not really to post so much as get a quick GT fix. Just reading about what the rest of you guys are doing on GT5, GT4, and the classic games, is enough to keep my brains race-game diluted! I've actually bought more games recently but not even opened them! So much to do - so little time!
I'm still offline - haven't got around to connecting my PS3 to the Internet yet . . . and even if I do, I doubt I'll find the time to race regularly right now due to being way too busy. In Canada, Summer comes and goes so quick we hardly have time to take a breath - so we enjoy the outdoors a lot - bar-b-ques, hiking, swimming, camping, etc. But for the eight months of Winter we have around here we tend to hibernate and game a lot. When we aren't snowboarding with a hockey-stick in one hand and a beer in the other.
OK - I'm kidding about the last part. In Winter we just live in our cars.

I'm not often near a computer that hasn't been taken over by a pair of grubby hands, but some nights I make time to come hang around my favourite Racing Community.

Jordan has a great site here, evolving perfectly into a combination of Facebook, Twitter, eBay, Youtube - and suchlike social/trading/infotainment sites - under one roof! - And family-oriented enough to keep those who eat their progeny, away from us and ours. That's imaginative and ambitious and dedicated work.

So thanks again, for everything so far, to all of you.

Cheers, and see you around the Forums!
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Thank you!


Thanks, Shem! A scholar, and a gentleman, as usual . . .:cheers:
Enjoy reading your posts, and thanks for the welcome.
Feel free to post in here - if ever you need to communicate.

In fact have a beer on me - I know you're legal! (Even for Virtual Beer!)


Congratulations on a thousand posts, Harry.

Here's to a thousand more. :cheers:
Congrats on that 1000 mate. That's certainly a big achievement :cheers:
Congratulations on a thousand posts, Harry.

Here's to a thousand more. :cheers:

Well, I'll start that second thousand by making this post to Thank you!
Spacegoat, it's been fun hanging out with you in the threads we mutually visit. Always a blast with you around. It's been a long haul getting to a thousand with my limited time - and I also tend to read more than I post, so I wonder I even got to a thousand! Hoping to see more of you, soon.

Congrats on that 1000 mate. That's certainly a big achievement :cheers:

Hiya, Ross, thanks, man - it's guys like you that make me feel a little less invisible around here 👍 (though invisibility is an asset sometimes ;) ) Thanks for the compliments - believe me, GTPlanet is a postwhore's dream - so many threads both textual and visual to contribute to, and I wish I had the time sometimes to sit at a computer for a good, looooong day.. . .
Also, being on Forums for over two decades, I have a little experience at it - though Forum policies and lifestyle visions can be vastly different. So I have hundreds of ideas for thread topics - but I like to micro-manage the threads I create; guide the discussion as such and keep an eye out for situations that may warrent me calling for the Forum cops, but that again requires the kind of time and dedication I cannot give - having given before in my time, elsewhere. Middle-aged people in Canada never have time; over here it's "Children First, Seniors Second, everybody else get your asses in gear and work." So it certainly is a big achievement to get to 1000 for me, haha, and I'm quite pleased with the friends I've made here.

I see that you continue to develop that fine spirit of being helpful and courteous around the Forums - fine training not only as a future volunteer in GTP's Staff, but also in your future as a citizen of the world. 👍

Congratulations on the 1000 posts, Harry. Thank you, also, for all of your incredible contributions to the Hotwheels/Matchbox collectors thread. Without your help, the thread would probably not be how it is today.

How the g27 feel compare to the dfgt because I got the dfgt and it feel,I want to ask you that because the dfgt is the only wheel for the ps3 I ever played.mines got 900 degrees of rotation,force feedback,no h patten gearbox,just sequential,and the paddles is little buttons,it not big but it still paddles and It got a nod which let me change some of the settings of my car and 16 buttons on the steering wheel,and a button which controls the horn.i love my wheel
lldantell - Hi, and nice to meet you - welcome to GTPlanet!

The DFGT is, IMO, the best beginner wheel, if you have only been used to a DS3 AND have never driven IRL. The G27 has a bit more of a realistic feel to it - and can be tougher to handle. I enjoyed using the DFGT - esp with TT, GT4, and some of the NFS games (which have a self-calibration mode at the beginning of the game that calibrates the wheel according to your driving style based on a first test).
My DFGT stays plugged into my PS2, but BOTH DS3 and G27 are plugged into, and can be used simultaneously by, my PS3. Helps a lot when switching instantly from driving to Photomode or other menus where one is not really driving a car but a cursor.
Hope that helps - but do investigate the site further - there are multiple threads devoted to wheels in the appropriate sub-Forum.

SVX - you rascal! Are you trying to make me work harder? Heh, heh, thanks for the compliments, buddy, you are no slouch yourself - and I enjoy the HW thread immensely. Yes, we seem to have attracted a lot of traffic this year - thanks also to Cano, Turbo, yourself and many others - especially the newcomers to our little gang of diecast diehards. Good to have got to know you here, and hoping for many long years more of fun, games and LOLs.
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lldantell - Hi, and nice to meet you - welcome to GTPlanet!

The DFGT is, IMO, the best beginner wheel, if you have only been used to a DS3 AND have never driven IRL. The G27 has a bit more of a realistic feel to it - and can be tougher to handle. I enjoyed using the DFGT - esp with TT, GT4, and some of the NFS games (which have a self-calibration mode at the beginning of the game that calibrates the wheel according to your driving style based on a first test).
My DFGT stays plugged into my PS2, but BOTH DS3 and G27 are plugged into, and can be used simultaneously by, my PS3. Helps a lot when switching instantly from driving to Photomode or other menus where one is not really driving a car but a cursor.
Hope that helps - but do investigate the site further - there are multiple threads devoted to wheels in the appropriate sub-Forum.

SVX - you rascal! Are you trying to make me worth harder? Heh, heh, thanks for the compliments, buddy, you are no slouch yourself - and I enjoy the HW thread immensely. Yes, we seem to have attracted a lot of traffic this year - thanks also to Cano, Turbo, yourself and many others - especially the newcomers to our little gang of diecast diehards. Good to have got to know you here, and hoping for many long years more of fun, games and LOLs.

It did,thanks for the information



Thought I'd mark my 3000th Post and beginning of my third year here with some appropriate images from Google . . . :lol:

And Thanks to all my buddies here for the great times. It's been a really fun two years - and I appreciate everything you guys brought into my life with your wit, wisdom and wacky ways. :) 👍

Happy anniversary and congrats on 3k, Harry. Here's to many, many more. :cheers:
Happy two-year anniversary. :cheers:

Hopefully I'll be around that long. :sly:

Posting Rules!!!

Heh, heh. Actually reading rules more - at the beginning anyway. Getting to know the community is a vital part of fitting in, especially if you are in for the long haul.
Think of it this way - you are travelling through the forest, and you stumble into a clearing - and there you are; you see a campfire and a community gathered around that fire.
One doesn't just tumble in there and immediately start to hold forth.
There may be many other important conversations already being held. There may be a pecking order - nay even, heaven forbid, an archaic hierarchy, that has the power to throw you out of the circle - and for no good reason at all.

So you merely warm your hands at the fire first, and nod your appreciation and thanks, and meet a few eyes, and make a few friends, and eventually you will find a comfortable spot around that campfire with welcoming friends.
This is, I find, a more successful way of fitting in.
Spamming the heck out of the site to have one's post count reflect one's value is really the fastest way to get notorious . . . making thoughtful posts is a much better way to be noticed.
Trust is something that has to be earned; and every post you make either adds or detracts from that trust.

Apart from that, as long as you don't breach the AUP, and strive not to wander too far from decent spelling, grammar, and punctuation, your posts will find a welcome audience . . . and then you'll find that the Firelight will be all yours sometimes.

Best of Luck, and Thanks for the compliments.

Happy anniversary Harry.

Thanks, Ken. A new friend! :cheers:
Going nuts at DC, eh? ;)

Happy anniversary and congrats on 3k, Harry. Here's to many, many more. :cheers:

Thanks, 'Goat, ole man - it's guys like you who keep me coming back to GTPlanet - your wit,and sense of humour, and the good discussions we share are always good times. 👍

:cheers: (gettting tipsy now) :lol:
Happy anniversary and congrats on the 3000 posts. :cheers: You are a valued member of this community :)
Thanks, Ross, you charmer, you . . . :embarrassed::

Alright. I'm all dressed in my Sunday best, again.
Subscription renewed, and back to site-building dut general mayhem, and sublime enjoyment.. . . .
Congratulations, Mr rider.


I'm coming up to 3 years soon!
Congrats on your second year of GTP membership! :cheers:

I'm also a 2-year member. :sly: ;)

Thanks, dj, 👍 , yup, have noticed you around . . . many of the members that joined at the same time I did are gone, but some did stay, including you . . . and shem . . . :lol: and many others that continue to contribute in their diverse ways.

Congratulations, Mr rider.


I'm coming up to 3 years soon!

3? IMPOSSIBRU! Does your mother know about all the stuff you are up to?

And why am I continuously fascinated by the thought of hanging out with you while chomping on green jello and discussing big butts? :lol:

Thanks for the congrats - and thanks for all the great pics and laughs - you are truly a fitting piece of GTPlanet to me; a piece of the puzzle that would be missed in the big picture if lost.
Congrats! I just last month hit my terrible 2's. And with just under 250 posts. I may not post much, but I linger a lot and have watched a lot unfold between the usual suspects around here. Very interesting topics I find around here, with the occasional subjects including a certain "fan" and his camry. All and all, a great community!
Thanks, TB - never too late. ;)

Actually my 'Introduce Yourself' thread is almost a blog, now! :lol: Well . . . what better way to introduce ourselves as we go on. Another one of Jordan's great webmaster ideas.. . .
I think I should hang up my '2012 Member most Likely to Bully You' Award here - a mark of my progress.

Also, TB - while you are here for a moment - many thanks for the kindnesses and guidance you threw my way while I was getting my feet wet. I've said this before - and I'll say it again - Jordan is lucky to have you on his staff, and so are we; good help is hard to find. Hang in there, bud, and my thoughts and best wishes to your son and the rest of the family.
Comments like that are always appreciated and humbling, photon. :)👍