T Torqueflight 215 United States Nov 4, 2017 #1 Did they take out the option to change ffb settings. I can't seem to find them.
syntex123 Staff Emeritus 5,081 Tønsberg, Norway syntex123 Syntex260Z Nov 4, 2017 #2 Go to any event and under driving options where you adjust TCS etc. go to the very bottom and click it (detailed settings). Scroll down a bit, under the View tab you’ll find FFB the settings.
Go to any event and under driving options where you adjust TCS etc. go to the very bottom and click it (detailed settings). Scroll down a bit, under the View tab you’ll find FFB the settings.
T Torqueflight 215 United States Nov 4, 2017 #3 Why didn't they put out with the button layout in the controller setting page.
T The5amkebab 77 Australia Nov 5, 2017 #4 The force feedback feels much weaker and not as sensitive recently, if I want full on feedback do I need to set sensitivity right up too?
The force feedback feels much weaker and not as sensitive recently, if I want full on feedback do I need to set sensitivity right up too?