Ford GT '06 Tuning Issues.. Help?

  • Thread starter austindrag
Ok my issue isn't entirely a problem. I was working with my GT on Special Stage 7 testing my speed and timing when I came across the issue of my gearing. My car accelerates wonderfully with little tire spin and has a top speed over 250. The problem is that I can hit 244mph in 5th gear and when i shift to 6th I lose torque. How can I fix this?
I need help with this tune. Well basically help establishing my tune pattern. I usually drag so I want to balance top speed and accel. So I hear to increase accel lower the first couple gears and raise the last gears. Correct or far off? Also, should the final gear slider be slid all the way towards the left as to increase the speed. Please help once I learn these basics I will get alot better. I just need help understanding concepts since this is all new to me
Like i said i just use SS7 for tuning. timing the speed at different gears and points in the tunnel as well as time the time it takes to get from one end of the other. etc

Thinks for the link doc