Ford SVT F-150 Lightning and Chevy Silverado SST Wanted

United States
Las Vegas
Hello all, new user here. Sort of unsure of how this whole trading goes down, but I'm in the market to pick up the Ford SVT F-150 Lightning and Chevy Silverado SST. 0/0/0 please. Any color. Need it for the truck race. Don't know what you all want for it, but add me as a friend (PSN is same as username) and send me a message to check out what I have. Don't have too much in the way of rare cars (I think), but I do have a lot of helmets and outfits as well as paint. Some help would be appreciated.
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The Toyota is the best for the truck races I have them all and can send 1 tomorrow for free. Send an fr (friends request) to zegolfman and a message saying which one you would like.