Formula 1 Race Car info...

  • Thread starter Josh


Silent Army
Staff Emeritus
United States
South Carolina
I can't beleive I'm about to type all this, but here goes...

In each endurance event and in some of the Professional League Events, you'll have an oppurtunity to win a Formula One Race Car! These are not sold at any car dealerships, but they are by a wide margin faster and more maneuverable than any other car in the game! Each one weighs a paltry 1,190 lbs. and they're all MR. Even though these cars have generic markings in Gran Turismo 3, each one is actually based on a real Formula 1 car.

The actual car info is highlighted.

F686/M 1986 Williams Honda FW11 925 hp @ 12,000 RPM Turbo V6 DOHC 1,494cc

F687/S 1987 Lotus Honda 99T 887 hp @ 11,500 RPM Turbo V6 DOHC 1,494cc

F688/S 1988 McLaren Honda MP4/4 788 hp @12,000 RPM Turbo V6 DOHC 1,494cc

F090/S 1990 McLaren Honda MP4/SB 690 hp @ 13,000 RPM NA V10 DOHC 3,493cc

F094/S 1994 Williams Renault FW16 789 hp @ 14,000 RPM NA V10 3,493cc

F094/H 1994 Williams Renault Fw16 789 hp @ 14,000 RPM NA V10 3,943cc

That's all the info on the GT3 F! RAce Cars I have, unless you want the names of the drivers of those cars in real life, and their sell price in real life.
The names like Williams Honda, and McLaren Honda are the names of the cars in real life that the GT3 cars were based off of. The GT3 car's names are the ones like F686/M and F687/S

Anyways, I'm out...
Her's a lil' tip: When you're doing an endurance race on the Test Course or Super Speedway, you'll never really need to pit in, no matter how long the race is, so long as you don't mind smashing into the wall twice perlap. In fact, on that course(super speedway) you can actually pull faster laps by staying on the gas and running into the wall instead of breaking! I swear this is true, and it works, I just read it in a mag...
yes crashing into them is slower than throttleing right on them, just ring it around, make sure to steer away while oyu are riding the wall because that will give you more speed, and make sure the entry to the walls on teh corner is smooth so oyu don't scrub off all your speed
can you drive the fi cars in other races
like against normal cars?
or even beter in the 2 player mode against your buddy with a gt-one for example?or skyline?
I'm almost positive you can drive any car in any race unless that race's race regulations specify otherwise. I don't know about 2 player cause I haven't played against anyone else yet...
absolutley, that is the only car I drive now when I can.  You can drive it in any race that it qualifies for.  There are some F1's that are N/A and some that are turbo.  So you can get ones for those races and it is a mid engine rear drive.  They are very, very sweet cars!!
Don't worry ZERAM, you'll get it soon.

Consider yourself lucky for the time being, you have a life, and I don't, GT3 has taken' over mine... :D

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