Hey guys, finally just finished the formula gran turismo after a few days so i thourght id share my tune with you
Firstly what made the most significant impact was purchasing the rigidity improvement, made handling alot better and the car alot more manageable, a must buy. It gave me the extra ability to win races
The driving options for this are as follows;
tyres: racing soft
Driving line: off/on (up to you)
TC: 2
Active steering: off
ASM: off
ABS: 1
Controller sensitivity: 0
And car settings:
Aerodynamics: 70/90
No ballast
Transmition: max speed 236mph (199 on monaco)
LSD 15/20/15
Rideheight -5/0
Spring rate: 16.4/17.5
Dampers extension 6/8
Dampers compression 5/7
Anti-roll bars 5/7
Camber 2.5/1.5 (-)
Toe -0.25/-0.15
Brakes 4/1
Really hope this helps guys, As i said its the tune that gave me the win after several attempts. Good luck!
Firstly what made the most significant impact was purchasing the rigidity improvement, made handling alot better and the car alot more manageable, a must buy. It gave me the extra ability to win races
The driving options for this are as follows;
tyres: racing soft
Driving line: off/on (up to you)
TC: 2
Active steering: off
ASM: off
ABS: 1
Controller sensitivity: 0
And car settings:
Aerodynamics: 70/90
No ballast
Transmition: max speed 236mph (199 on monaco)
LSD 15/20/15
Rideheight -5/0
Spring rate: 16.4/17.5
Dampers extension 6/8
Dampers compression 5/7
Anti-roll bars 5/7
Camber 2.5/1.5 (-)
Toe -0.25/-0.15
Brakes 4/1
Really hope this helps guys, As i said its the tune that gave me the win after several attempts. Good luck!