Formula Gran Turismo

  • Thread starter dcole94
Hey guys, finally just finished the formula gran turismo after a few days so i thourght id share my tune with you

Firstly what made the most significant impact was purchasing the rigidity improvement, made handling alot better and the car alot more manageable, a must buy. It gave me the extra ability to win races

The driving options for this are as follows;
tyres: racing soft
Driving line: off/on (up to you)
TC: 2
Active steering: off
ASM: off
ABS: 1
Controller sensitivity: 0

And car settings:
Aerodynamics: 70/90
No ballast
Transmition: max speed 236mph (199 on monaco)
LSD 15/20/15
Rideheight -5/0
Spring rate: 16.4/17.5
Dampers extension 6/8
Dampers compression 5/7
Anti-roll bars 5/7
Camber 2.5/1.5 (-)
Toe -0.25/-0.15
Brakes 4/1

Really hope this helps guys, As i said its the tune that gave me the win after several attempts. Good luck!
this car is way to hard for me to drive.My throttle control is my downfall I think.maybe I should change the gearbox settings so I dont spin the tires at low speeds.
you can try skid recover force ace. maybe it would help you tc isnt a great choice but in your case it might be useful.