Formula GT for Trade or Loan

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Like many others i need the FGT for the FGT extreme series. If you would loan it to me that would be great, or i could trade you something. Please reply, thanks
alot of people do, but i dont think anyone will loan you one considering you only have < 30 posts and almost 0 feedback.
Thats fair enough. I am honest and wouldnt scam someone. I dont want the FGT as it is a standard car but i do need it just for this series. Im levle 26 a spec too. I could lend them a car first before i use their FGT. I have the 908 oreca.

I could give you a miura, if you lend me and FGT.
Thats fair enough. I am honest and wouldnt scam someone. I dont want the FGT as it is a standard car but i do need it just for this series. Im levle 26 a spec too. I could lend them a car first before i use their FGT. I have the 908 oreca.

I could give you a miura, if you lend me and FGT.

Im with if i find someone nice enough ill let u kno