Forza Motorsport CSR Wheel

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Can anyone confirm if this wheel is compatible with Forza Motorsport 2 and 3, or is it just FM4 only?

It says in the description:

Xbox 360: All games which support force feedback racing wheels.

However, I know that Microsoft had its own Xbox 360 FFB wheel when FM2 and FM3 was released so I wasn't sure if the Forza Motorsport CSR will work with those games or not.
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Can anyone confirm if this wheel is compatible with Forza Motorsport 2 and 3, or is it just FM4 only?

It says in the description:

Xbox 360: All games which support force feedback racing wheels.

However, I know that Microsoft had its own Xbox 360 FFB wheel when FM2 and FM3 was released so I wasn't sure if the Forza Motorsport CSR will work with those games or not.
I can't say FM2 because I never tried but it works with FM3 I know.👍
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It will work on FM 2 as well, but no support for clutch, h pattern (seq shifter works fine) or handbrake (on clubsport pedals) and poor linearity because the game wasn't made with 900 degree wheels in mind
You could probably get away with up to 540 DOR just depends what your comfortable with. I have played it with full 900, turning in is a bit of a hasle but once you get oversteer it feels awesome
Appreciate it man. I know FM2, 3 and 4 are old now but they're still great to play. I haven't played FM2 in about 7-8 years and decided to pick it back up again and I'm enjoying it but would love to play it with a wheel like my other racing games. Figured I might pick up a wheel to play through all of them again.
I agree, i love the older titles too, forza 3 and 4 are the best for wheel support although forza 3 has a horribly glitchy 900 degree steering model that cand make up its mind wether its 900 or 270, the only way around it is to do a glitch that practically makes it Feel like forza 2 anyway but you do get shifter, clutch and handbrake support
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Forza 3 switches to 270 degrees if you oversteer... I call it "hero mode" since it makes drifting effortless :)

Forza 4 has reasonable wheel support, but be aware that auto clutch is significantly slower than manually shifting and overrevving, plus there are controller aids which can't be disabled which basically give controller users a slight edge in speed.

Finally Forza 3-4 uses XID not HID wheel support, which basically means it tells the controller to carry out predefined FFB actions, rather than dynamically generating wheel movement. To me this felt OK but always a bit "canned".

Coming from say AC or iRacing on a TX or CSWv2 you will primarily notice:
- 720p with almost no AA looks pretty nasty
- FFB is rudimentary
- car list (particularly F4 with all DLC) is awesome
- track list is quite light and gets repetitive quite quickly
- car tuning is very nicely done
- all Forza games have a slight "tail happy" tendency, which you can mostly tune out, but oversteer is the defining characteristic of Forza for me
Its more glitchy than just the counter steering or hero mode, if you start trying to tune your front tow(toe?) Settings you will notice it can get really bad for just normal driving because the game cant Keep the steering model in one type. Just driving down a straight away you will feel how sensitive the steering is because its glitching out, im actually shocked at how bad it is and why it was never adressed.
Forza 2-3-4 had been programmed to run 270 degrees by default and run best if you set the Fanatec wheels sensitivity to off. They can run at 900 but were never optimized to do so.
Forza 4 is, forza 3 was supposed to be but it was bugged as hell. Forza 2 never was because there were no 900 degree wheel for the Xbox 360 at the time. Sens OFF defaults to 900 degrees on forza anyway
I had a porche wheel (virtually the same) I had one motor failure and one broken wheel rim (plastic mounting parts, maybe I was a bit harsh on it). They use the same motors in all their wheels minus the csw v2, fanatec has said they have sorted the faulty motors so you shouldn't have any huge issues
Well if I decide to buy one, it will only be used for FM2, 3, and 4 since I already have a T500RS and CSW v2. I just don't want to drop $200 on a wheel to use for a few select 360 games and not hold up.

From what I've read on the wheel it seems the FFB strength is somewhat comparable to a G27 or can anyone confirm that? Its going to be weaker than what I'm accustomed to so I've accepted that and I'm sure the game plays some role in the strength of the FFB.
Forza 4 is, forza 3 was supposed to be but it was bugged as hell. Forza 2 never was because there were no 900 degree wheel for the Xbox 360 at the time. Sens OFF defaults to 900 degrees on forza anyway

I have been with Forza since the beginning and you can be sure that anything other than 270 degree is not the default .
With a Fanatec wheel and sensitivity off it is the game that has control over the default setting ( 270 degrees ). !!!
The CSR rim is a bit lighter so it's a little better (although very plastic), but from my Porsche GT2 wheel experience: I'd say the motor in the Porsche wheels will spin roughly as fast as a G25/27. However the belts give a lot of resistance, definitely in combination with the weight of that Porsche rim. This damps things somewhat and does make holding the ever present oversteer a little annoying if you leave the wheel at default settings.

I ran mine with F3/4 for a few years on drift mode 3, iirc. This uses the motor to help you spin the wheel, but does cause overshoot in some situations. Maybe you can get away with drift mode 1-2 on a CSR, not sure.

I remember that Forza 4 also has default non linear steering behavior which you can't change in game, so used a couple of clicks of compensating linearity set on wheel. I also tended to run Forza on something like 720 degrees (set on wheel of course) since this tightened up FFB around the center (I refuse to run 270 degrees on principle)
I have been with Forza since the beginning and you can be sure that anything other than 270 degree is not the default .
With a Fanatec wheel and sensitivity off it is the game that has control over the default setting ( 270 degrees ). !!!

I have been with Forza for almost as long and have been on steering wheels for quiet a while and i know my way around the fanatec wheels on forza pretty well (it was i that discovered the detection glitch to help with drifting on 900 degrees)I am certain from forza 3 onwards a 900 degree wheel defaults to 900. Why when forza 3 and 4 debuted at E3 would they demo it on triple screens, motion platform and fanatec wheels if the game was not designed to use them?

I think because of the input protocol on the xbox that the game cant actually dictate what to set the rotation at, hence why it's the same for every car. I will double check but I'm pretty sure it's 900

Just tested it on 3 and 4 and Sens OFF is 900 degrees in both games. The game doesn't tell the wheel what rotation to use (on the 360 anyway) because the game doesn't even know what the wheel is, hence why when your tuning your Sens on the wheel if you click it over 270 the wheel has to reboot itself in 900 degree mode, the game and console don't know. Everything is hosted on the wheel itself.
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Ok - here we go.
Let`s clear things up first of all.
1 - Forza 2 by default was 270 degrees only and could not use anything else and at the time 900 degree wheels did not even exist for a console.

2 - Forza 3 by default was again 270 degrees by default and designed to run with the Microsoft Wireless Racing wheel at it`s default 270 degrees - but the game was in theory able to accept 900 degree wheels but were glitchly at the time.

3 - Forza 4 by default was 270 degrees again to be matched with the Microsoft wireless racing wheel but when Fanatec came along with the GT2/ Porsche PWTS Wheels - they worked out a deal with Turn 10 to be able to run at 900 degrees for the launch of the game. But when the game demo came out it did not yet work with 900 degree wheels as many found out. They later fixed the problem but the default sensitivity was always 270.
4 - Fanatec was the only wheel that was capable of running at 900 due to there firmware.

In your case I believe you are not configuring your wheel properly to run the true 270 default setting.
First of all if your wheel is connected to the console with any setting other than 270 - and you turn sensitivity to off - you must turn off the wheel power and then power back on and reconnect the wheel to the console. Only after doing this will the game run in it`s true 270 degrees. This is most likely the important step that you are forgetting to do and if you do not do this then the game can not reset from the last known settings..

Turn 10 have stated this
Fanatec have stated this and is in some of there manuals.
Dan Greenwalt has stated this.

The game has complete control over the sensitivity and Fanatec firmware simply overruns the default settings with a - or + gain over the default.

And by saying that you recently started the game and you find that it is at 900 degrees by default ( THAT IS 2.5 TURNS LOCK TO LOCK ) and not at 270 ( 3/4 TURN LOCK TO LOCK ) ?????:banghead::banghead:

Here is a link where Fanatec responds to the sensitivity issue back then.
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I think your getting confused with the cockpit animations (just because the 2.5 turns lock to lock isn't animated by the drivers hands doesn't mean it's not actually happening, look at the telemetry data). I know forza 2 wasn't designed for I agree with you there, but forza 3 onwards are. Just because it may have been glitchy doesn't mean it wasn't the default. And yes I did reboot the wheel with Sens off just to be sure, brand up the telemetry and what do you know? It's 900.

The game doesn't reset from 'last known settings' because the game doesn't know anything, only that its a ffb wheel. the wheel has the information in itself, it's the way the FFB protocol works on the xbox and that's the reason other wheels don't work because they don't communicate this way.

And FYI, the Porsche wheels were out long before forza 4 I'm pretty sure the turbo s wheel was shown of at E3 with Forza 3 and was released not long after the game came out. There was no 'deal' made between t10 and fanatec to let them use 900 degrees on forza 4, when forza 4 came out they patch the simulation steering to remove the glitching that is still present on forza 3. That is all, the games were made for 900 degrees it may be glitchy or with poor linearity but the support is there, and the fanatec wheel will default to it if the Sens is set above 270 (the switching in point)
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I guess with all my years as an Engineer and my racing experience as a builder of race cars and bikes. I was wrong.
I guess that Turn 10 - Microsoft have something to learn.
I guess repairing and modifying these wheels since 2000 means nothing as all I have learned is
wrong. :bowdown::bowdown:
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