Forza Motorsport Developer Update: "Super Realistic" New Suspension Model


For My Mom, Always
United States
Brooklyn, NY
I Renown I
Don't know anything about this guy but I would have thought they'd have had somebody in the team who deals with physics simulation rather than it being left to the creative director to learn and implement.
Don't know anything about this guy but I would have thought they'd have had somebody in the team who deals with physics simulation rather than it being left to the creative director to learn and implement.
Same thoughts I had. I imagine it's so he'll be able to describe and make out plans in a way that the dev team would better understand, but I feel it would have been better to use him as well as an expert in the field simultaneously.
Don't know anything about this guy
That's entirely understandable as it's only the 30th time he's appeared on Forza Monthly...
I would have thought they'd have had somebody in the team who deals with physics simulation rather than it being left to the creative director to learn and implement.
Same thoughts I had. I imagine it's so he'll be able to describe and make out plans in a way that the dev team would better understand, but I feel it would have been better to use him as well as an expert in the field simultaneously.
Yeah, he's not implementing anything.

As he says, they have area specialists on the T10 team who know all of this stuff anyway. Esaki's job as creative director is to essentially decide what goes into the game and what doesn't, and he's spent some time learning about some of the finer points of suspension geometry and kinematics to elevate his level of appreciation and knowledge on the subject - which means he becomes more aware of how important something like the roll centre (which is a virtual point in the vertical plane of an axle resulting from the resolution of forces applied to a wheel from the road; it doesn't actually exist) is in vehicle dynamics.

That gives the team working on suspension modelling a bit more of a free rein to go nuts on detail; it's likely not something that has been simulated in the model before, and it may mean in the final game you'll be able to literally adjust suspension items like wishbone length...

Also he then appears on streams like this to talk about it. You don't want programmers or engineering product specialists doing that.
Still wondering what they all have done in the years after the release of FM7. There is a big gap between the release of FM7 and the start of the development of FM.
Still wondering what they all have done in the years after the release of FM7. There is a big gap between the release of FM7 and the start of the development of FM.
I wouldn't expect any substantial information about things within the game until the year it's going to be released. With us not knowing that yet, it could be a while.
what they improved so much on fh5 vs fh4 ? imo very similar games with upgraded graphics and new nicer map
Imo the biggest improvements are car sounds, event lab, and graphics. Also, the attention to detail is crazy. I played Horizon 4 and it was bland and boring. The details and immersion in horizon 5 is what I expected next-gen to be. Also, did I mention car sounds.
See, I think we want to believe this, but considering, a bit of scepticism is probably warranted.

Really do hope they get it right, though. Although I'm not sure how the FM community at large would react to realistic tuning adjustments and build options. Also hoping they get it out this bloody decade.
^ Think their aim is to improve the handling model across the game, whether you fine tune cars or not. And they've always done a great job explaining tuning in the past anyway.
Still wondering what they all have done in the years after the release of FM7. There is a big gap between the release of FM7 and the start of the development of FM.

Thats very true, 5 years (released 2017 Oct) is a bit too long to release the next title when compared to its main rival. Scary thing is they have not shared much of the progress...not always a good sign. Lets hope we see it before 2024. Ravaline, I dont think they will win, but hopefully be something to enjoy. The suspension physics and tire models etc. is one thing, but the way a game/simulator is put together is almost just as important. Compare GT Sport and FM7 get my drift. Adios and keep safe motorheads!
Imo the biggest improvements are car sounds, event lab, and graphics. Also, the attention to detail is crazy. I played Horizon 4 and it was bland and boring. The details and immersion in horizon 5 is what I expected next-gen to be. Also, did I mention car sounds.
yes sound is also improved but they release game that was crashing with conected fanatec wheel and after patches is no longer a case but still according to many wheel support is just bad and now many problems with multiplayer, I like a game (have 101 level in it so spent quite a time) but imo improvement over fh4 is subtle
@RSR Warrior FM won't be held back by being cross-gen at least. And FM7 wasn't that bad, the problem was cars were automatically upgraded to fit the various classes (and with so many cars in the game, that was always gonna lead to problems) the game was much better imo using stock or carefully tuned/upgraded cars at least. They've acknowledged they made mistakes and the fact they're taking their time with it (esp looking at the problems FH5 has had at launch) bodes well for me.
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yes sound is also improved but they release game that was crashing with conected fanatec wheel and after patches is no longer a case but still according to many wheel support is just bad and now many problems with multiplayer, I like a game (have 101 level in it so spent quite a time) but imo improvement over fh4 is subtle
It does actually drives better than FH4 on my T300RS. But... this is Playground games not Turn 10. I hope it will be better but for now this is only PR talk.
By looking at how much they improved on Forza Horizon 5, I can only imagine how insane Forza motorsport will be. It will destroy the competition.
They made that game even more arcade handling than the last 2, and that's saying something. Horizon 5 is like playing a modern out run, the cars don't handel any where near realistic. I'm scared for Forza motorsport after playing it.
If they can deliver on what they are talking about I think this is going to be much better than gt sport 2022 DLC (GT7) . But I'm worried because in the same breath they talk about how they want to make it easier for anyone to drive... This has me very worried!
My prediction is that they have this awesome jaw dropping engine and then ruin it by making everything very cheesy and geared towards the masses and easy Arcady gameplay, not try to deliver a Sim. Think project cars 3...
Let's hope not and hope we all get another current gen engine sim.
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If the can deliver on what they are talking about I think this is going to be much better than gt sport 2022 DLC (GT7) . But I'm worried because in the same breath they talk about how they want to make it easier for anyone to drive... This has me very worried!
It shouldn't. Driving a car, even a race car, isn't that hard. Numerous racing drivers have said as much. A modern GT3 car has Traction Control and ABS, for example. Driving a racing car on the absolute limits, now that's a completely different skill.
Very good! We need a "super realistic" FM8! ✅

I want a "true" and working team and smoking brakes in the pit lane :D
The "ghost" car is not okay in 2022-2023

Let's Go FM8 ❤️
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I'll believe it when I see it. As of now, FM7 drives like **** when you get rid of all artificial assists and use a wheel, and that's the 7th game in the series. Even on consoles, GT, Project CARS, and Assetto Corsa far outclass FM in physics. I will be (pleasantly) surprised if they get it right the 8th time.
Good news from Turn10, even though I'd prefer an expert in that regard to show face and give us some in depth detail about what's new but no big deal. I can't wait to see the tears from the Sim racing community as Motorsport begins dwarfing the competition in terms of realism. Esaki is the right man to elevate Motorsport into where it should fit into the Sim racing market.

If they can deliver on what they are talking about I think this is going to be much better than gt sport 2022 DLC (GT7) . But I'm worried because in the same breath they talk about how they want to make it easier for anyone to drive... This has me very worried!
My prediction is that they have this awesome jaw dropping engine and then ruin it by making everything very cheesy and geared towards the masses and easy Arcady gameplay, not try to deliver a Sim. Think project cars 3...
Let's hope not and hope we all get another current gen engine sim.
Making it easier doesn't mean it'll be unrealistic. In FM7 you spent more time keeping the car stable than actually racing it because somehow Turn10 thought excessive throttle sensitivity equates to realism, plus exaggerated weight transfer ready to throw your car out the track. Something was definitely missing In FM7s' Tyre and suspension model and I think this statement proves that Turn10 are aware of those missing elements.

They made that game even more arcade handling than the last 2, and that's saying something. Horizon 5 is like playing a modern out run, the cars don't handel any where near realistic. I'm scared for Forza motorsport after playing it.
Horizon should never be used as a reflection of what changes Turn10 make to Forzatech. Horizon will always remain the laid back arcade racer and I'm glad it's found success in that regard so that Motorsport becomes what it was meant to be. Any changes to the engine will be shown in Motorsport.
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They made that game even more arcade handling than the last 2, and that's saying something. Horizon 5 is like playing a modern out run, the cars don't handel any where near realistic. I'm scared for Forza motorsport after playing it.
I feel that Horizon going further into the arcade direction is actually a good thing for the Motorsport side. It (potentially) shows that Microsoft is finally realizing that both titles under the Forza banner perform better playerbase wise when they are allowed to be their own game instead of trying to appeal to everyone.

Horizon 5 is great (bugs & glitches aside) because it no longer feels like it's trying to be "Open world Forza Motorsport" and as a result is developing it's own identity. Obviously only time will tell if Motorsport returns to what made 1-4 so great, but it certainly seems they are trying to recapture that magic.
There is a better feel for grip on FH5 than there has been since the very first game. To say it's worse than FH3 and 4 where your car can't even hold a line through a corner is asinine.
I just want this to become the classic gt series without taking the e-sport aspect too seriously, but I doubt that will happen. I think that is exactly where they want to go from here, the 5 year gap is probably because of the physics revamp and T10 targeting the next gen CPU for it rather than being limited by the pathetic Jaguar CPU. I guess this won't be a cross gen title if that is the case.

I am anxiously waiting for any news on this as any gaming I do now is on the PC and from what I've seen in FM5, this has the potential to look really really good.

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