Forza veteran playing Gran Turismo for first time

United States
Lexington SC
I've played Forza since FM2 and have grown accustomed to the general features that game/series provides. Having always heard Forza being compared to Gran Turismo over the years, I've wanted to play GT but never owned a PlayStation until picking one up recently. I immediately bought GT 7 and have begun playing.

My first observation is the driving experience is EXCELLENT. It just feels more realistic compared to Forza. Very satisfying to drive.

But other than that, the game seems to lack meaningful leaderboards. I have no PlayStation friends that play GT 7 and in the Time Trials, the only other "boards" seem to be Top 10 Stars. You can't download ghosts to race against like Forza. For example, Forza has leaderboards for Friends, Americas, World, etc, allowing you to compare/compete against everyone else playing GT 7. You can download ghosts, tuning setups of top players willing to share, watch anybody's top lap replay, etc

I really want to love Gran Turismo based on the driving experience. From what I can find on the subject searching the web, it seems this is just how Gran Turismo is.

My question is am I missing something? In addition to Forza, I've played other racing games on xbox over the years and from memory, they all seemed to have a fully fleshed out leaderboard system. To a lot of players, trying to set top world wide times is an important part of the experience playing the games.

Is GT just not about that? I haven't done any online multiplayer yet as I think I still need to unlock that area, so I am hopeful the online multiplayer experience is better than Forza's (a lot of idiots play Forza/can't drive/wreck you on purpose, etc).

Sorry for the long post but for the GT series veterans, why does a premium, well regarded title like GT not have a fully fleshed out leaderboard system? Surely, this "gripe" has had to come up over the years of the series existence.

Respectfully wondering...
The leaderboard system online is about what you're asking for, but yeah offline it's just top 10 stars, friends leaderboards and the PD provided ghost.

Online races let you load peoples ghosts from the leaderboards (and I think through the showcase if people have uploaded their replays) - and also lets you see every global position rather than just the top 10, including your own and what place you're in.
The leaderboard system online is about what you're asking for, but yeah offline it's just top 10 stars, friends leaderboards and the PD provided ghost.

Online races let you load peoples ghosts from the leaderboards (and I think through the showcase if people have uploaded their replays) - and also lets you see every global position rather than just the top 10, including your own and what place you're in.
ok....I probably have not unlocked the "online" leaderboards area yet...appreciate the reply
Unfortunately GT hasn’t done much with leaderboards since GT5 Prologue. In that gane there was a leaderboard for every car and layout combo.
I'm not trying to be a Forza fanboy and I've only got maybe an hour into GT 7, but the game seems to have a ton less features (there are others not mentioned in my original post) than Forza. And having heard people rave for years about how GT is better than Forza, I'm kind of surprised in the feature disparity...but I probably need to withhold judgement until I unlock all areas of the game.

I do love the actual driving though....feels better than Forza, and I always thought Forza was top notch. I'm just looking for more depth, hopefully to come.
Finally, a Forza player that doesn't shoot GT down solely for its poor campaign design!
lol - I don't really mind the campaign so far....and I probably should get everything unlocked before I complain about stuff that might exist but I can't see it yet :)
Just jump into GT Sport when you can and look at the leaderboards. Pick one of the dailies you like and go HAM on the lap until you get a good time. Pick your fave Gr3 or Gr4 car and find a cool livery or make your own.

Also tune out the GT whiners of which you'll encounter plenty. The game has it's quirks like any other but overall it's just fun. Which is what it's about.
Well, the issue is the Café. Every single GT prior to this, including Sport, had an actual campaign/career.

But this game feels like it was designed for underage kids, it's absurd.
Yeah - the Cafe struck me as "ok this is how GT does it" but I'm cool with doing stuff for cars, rewards, unlocks, etc, so no issue there. I just happen to love hot lapping for times, and this game doesn't appear to be wired up for that, in the way most other racing games I've played.
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Just jump into GT Sport when you can and look at the leaderboards. Pick one of the dailies you like and go HAM on the lap until you get a good time. Pick your fave Gr3 or Gr4 car and find a cool livery or make your own.

Also tune out the GT whiners of which you'll encounter plenty. The game has it's quirks like any other but overall it's just fun. Which is what it's about.
is GT Sport something I will unlock? Only played for an hour or two so far and have done some of the Cafe objectives, and some license center progression.
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is GT Sport something I will unlock? Only played for an hour or two so far and have done some of the Cafe invectives, and some license center progression.
Yes, you will gradually unlock more stuff, including multiplayer, car dealerships, tracks...

The café is just a weak excuse for you to play the game so you more with the things you unlocked. After that, no one cares about the café.
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Yes, you will gradually unlock more stuff, including multiplayer, car dealerships, tracks...

The café is just a weak excuse for you to play the game so you more with the things you unlocked. After that, no one cares about the café.
ok cool....feel like a complete newb. thanks!
I've played Forza since FM2 and have grown accustomed to the general features that game/series provides. Having always heard Forza being compared to Gran Turismo over the years, I've wanted to play GT but never owned a PlayStation until picking one up recently. I immediately bought GT 7 and have begun playing.

My first observation is the driving experience is EXCELLENT. It just feels more realistic compared to Forza. Very satisfying to drive.

But other than that, the game seems to lack meaningful leaderboards. I have no PlayStation friends that play GT 7 and in the Time Trials, the only other "boards" seem to be Top 10 Stars. You can't download ghosts to race against like Forza. For example, Forza has leaderboards for Friends, Americas, World, etc, allowing you to compare/compete against everyone else playing GT 7. You can download ghosts, tuning setups of top players willing to share, watch anybody's top lap replay, etc

I really want to love Gran Turismo based on the driving experience. From what I can find on the subject searching the web, it seems this is just how Gran Turismo is.

My question is am I missing something? In addition to Forza, I've played other racing games on xbox over the years and from memory, they all seemed to have a fully fleshed out leaderboard system. To a lot of players, trying to set top world wide times is an important part of the experience playing the games.

Is GT just not about that? I haven't done any online multiplayer yet as I think I still need to unlock that area, so I am hopeful the online multiplayer experience is better than Forza's (a lot of idiots play Forza/can't drive/wreck you on purpose, etc).

Sorry for the long post but for the GT series veterans, why does a premium, well regarded title like GT not have a fully fleshed out leaderboard system? Surely, this "gripe" has had to come up over the years of the series existence.

Respectfully wondering...
Welcome to the world of Gran Turismo. I've played it since GT1. Never owned an X-BOX but have played Forza on my son's console. I thought the driving on Forza didn't quite compare to GT. As for online, once you unlock the lobbies, you can create your own or join 1. Personally, I don't do online races any more, but still do some of the Time Trials. If you want to compare yourself with others you'll need to make some Playstation friends. You can add me, PapaGnr. I'm an average driver (75 yrs young). Hope you get to enjoy GT.
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Welcome to the world of Gran Turismo. I've played it since GT1. Never owned an X-BOX but have played Forza on my son's console. I thought the driving on Forza didn't quite compare to GT. As for online, once you unlock the lobbies, you can create your own or join 1. Personally, I don't do online races any more, but still do some of the Time Trials. If you want to compare yourself with others you'll need to make some Playstation friends. You can add me, PapaGnr. I'm an average driver (75 yrs young). Hope you get to enjoy GT.
agree on the driving....GT seems miles ahead imo. 59 years young here and will add you...not sure how long it will take me to progress to get online locked but look forward to it
is GT Sport something I will unlock? Only played for an hour or two so far and have done some of the Cafe objectives, and some license center progression.
Yes like above poster mentioned. A lot of people only care about racing on GT Sport and it lets you "rent" whichever car you want for that particular set of races. You unlock it after Menu Book 10 I believe. I love having custom liveries on mine so I like to buy the cars so I can slap a livery on them and they don't come cheap (350000-450000 credits each). The later Cafe Menus pay more and then eventually you get to a point where you're earning credits from roulette wheel spins (which you get from completing a daily driving marathon of 26 miles driven) or selling cars you've gotten along the way.
I'm not trying to be a Forza fanboy and I've only got maybe an hour into GT 7, but the game seems to have a ton less features (there are others not mentioned in my original post) than Forza. And having heard people rave for years about how GT is better than Forza, I'm kind of surprised in the feature disparity...but I probably need to withhold judgement until I unlock all areas of the game.

I do love the actual driving though....feels better than Forza, and I always thought Forza was top notch. I'm just looking for more depth, hopefully to come.
GT had more features in the PS3 era. No one really knows why GT7 has been stripped down to what it currently offers. As you say, the driving is great but the game itself is quite dry.
agree on the driving....GT seems miles ahead imo. 59 years young here and will add you...not sure how long it will take me to progress to get online locked but look forward to it
If you wanna have some young guy to compare to, you can add me as well, I am just 52years and 11 months and I am rather slow...
(Batschisane50 on PSN)
agree on the driving....GT seems miles ahead imo. 59 years young here and will add you...not sure how long it will take me to progress to get online locked but look forward to it
A little tip. As you unlock the tracks, do the circuit experience to get some much needed credits. Also, as you unlock the missions, do them as well for more credits & cars. Good luck.
If you like hot lapping, you'll enjoy the online time trail (unlocked with sport mode). It runs for 10 days and features a specific car and track, and everyone in the world competes for the best time, with generous payouts for getting gold (within 3 percent of the best time) and silver (within 5 percent). Feel free to add me well to help populate your leaderboards (anyone who wants to can). PSNID is my username.

I agree that global leaderboards for all events would be fun.
Welcome to GT man. I am the Vice President of the "Casual Gaming Racers Always on the Fence between Gran Turismo and Forza Club" since 2005.

I always enjoyed racing games going back to Excite Bike on Nintendo, but I fell in love with racing games playing the Project Gotham Racing Series and then went over to Gran Turismo. Then back to Project Gotham. Then back to GT. Then to Forza. Then back to GT. Then back to Forza and Forza Horizon, then back to GT, then back to Forza and Forza Horizon, then back to GT but after 3 months of playtime with GT7 I am on the fence yet again!!!

And the reason you will soon find yourself applying for membership to the Club is simple: Forza is more "fun" (and yes I know fun is subjective, as some people have fun watching birds eat bird seed), but the driving physics in GT just grips you and mesmerizes you and hypnotizes you and just keeps calling you back. But then as you play you will begin to miss those "fun gaming" elements from Forza and after going back to Forza you will soon begin to miss the driving physics of GT.

Will Forza (8) break this vicious cycle with its physics this Spring? Only time will tell. But until it does, we will always be caught between 2 racing worlds. Cause Kaz sure ain't gonna embrace the "fun goofy gamer" side of things...I mean I could homeschool my kids with the history lessons he plopped in the car museums. And this makes GT brilliant in its own special way.

The music I would never listen to if it wasn't in the game; the automotive and world history lessons I didn't realize I was ignorant of; the perfect feeling of nailing a hairpin corner in your dream car as you thrust recklessly into a all creates a relaxing yet white-knuckle kind of racing experience that survives the rehashed tracks, stale environments, retread game modes and lack of "video game imagination and creativity" found in so many other genres of games.

Welcome to the "Club." Insert here the sound of Vincent Price laughing at the end of Thriller
Oh yeah. I’ll be getting the newest FM when it comes and you’re right about the driving physics in GT, impeccable. And PGR ruled back on the original Xbox. My gamertag R1R N1GHTMARE came about when my circle of PGR friends became a “racing clan”, Rank 1 Racing. Would love to see a reboot of PGR
Also a convert from Forza to GT, played FM from 1 though to 7, plus all the Horizon games. I played the older GTs as a kid, 1-4. You are absolutely right about the driving feel. It is so much more satisfying in GT over Forza. IMO the Forza games are still great fun as well but I'm really waiting for the next FM game as FH5 was a bit sad to me

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