Frank Miller's 300 - Movie Review

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Karma Chameleon
Staff Emeritus
Frank Miller's 300 - Movie Review
Warning: Some Spoilers Below

It's an intriguing premise, a movie based on a comic based on sketchy historical accounts of events of long ago. I dread High School History students learning of this story for the first time from this movie, but while there are obvious liberties taken for the sake of art, they thankfully do not detract much from the story.

That said, 300 is much like the first Frank Miller movie, Sin City, in which the director falls head-over-heels in love with the source material, making, for all wants and purposes, a cinematographic comic book.

But that's not a bad thing, if you're a comic lover, like me.

Each frame is lovingly rendered. Hit the pause button on your DVD player (when you finally get this one), and you can print out whatever frame is stuck there and hang it on your wall. The details are crisp, the motions fluid and the staging is wonderfully done.

This however, leads to some problems in the viewing. Watching 300 can be a sensory overload. Each excrutiatingly well-rendered slow-motion frame (thankfully, not as excessive as Matrix Reloaded, but it gets close) sears your retinas. For those who are worried this is nothing more than a two hour battle, don't worry, the other scenes are just as good. For those wondering about the "R" rating and whether it's worth another watch, the Oracle scene will have you waiting for the next showing... or rushing to the net cafe to download the DVD rip.

There's more than you can assimilate in one two hour sitting, and you'll be so numb to the violence by the time the movie draws to a close that the final battle may be, frankly, a bit anticlimactic.

As for the story, Frank Miller is on a roll here. While he takes liberties with the story of King Leonidas, he thankfully doesn't utterly destroy it, as was done with the sappy, romantic Troy, to attract a wider audience. Freed of the cornball pulp-detective flavor inherent in Sin City, the 300 takes on a more serious, if still slightly corny, air. Every line is a memorable one, as befits a comic-based movie, and the dialogue is a fitting match to the onscreen action, razor-sharp and bombastic.

The liberties Miller does take, such as making the traitor Ephialtes a malformed, mutant Spartan, or the subplot involving Leonidas' wife serve merely to make a point. For pacifists, the strongly warlike rhetoric, unyieldingly violent response of the Spartans to foreigners (killing an unarmed messenger just to make a point? In the name of freedom?) and the seeming Caucasian versus Asian slant of the movie may grate. Conspiracy theorists, on the other hand, will see it as a Republican-funded recruiting film for the US Army... :lol: But go along with it... it's accurate in flavor, and reflects Spartan attitudes well. I kind of think Miller missed on a trick by not featuring Leonidas' burial (oh, come on... you do know he lost, right? I mean, it's history!), but heck, that's forgiveable.

One real peeve is Persian "monsters" that wouldn't seem out of place in a Lord of the Rings movie... it's kind of silly, but thankfully, they don't feature in the more important scenes. The excessive blood and gore are kind of... errh... excessive, but then again, this is based on a hardcore graphic novel. Fans of Heavy Metal and other "adult" graphic formats will feel right at home. This movie is a certified visual orgasm.

Is it worth a watch? If you've wondered about those expensive digital theathers, this is a good movie to pop your cherry. Well worth your money, definitely.
It kinda fits... there are some tackles there that would do great on ice... :lol:
If the movie was a visual orgasm, it was certainly an audio rape. My god damned local movie theater closed down AGAIN. That place keeps changing management. I had to wind up going to the mall to watch it, and whoever is in charge of the equipment did an extremely lousy job. The film was grainy and not focused correctly, their projector had uneven lighting, and the volume was turned up WAY too high.

But, anyway, the movie itself was fantastic. I LOVED it. The only part I didn't like so much was the oracle scene and the fact that Xerxes didn't get wounded badly enough. I think the spear should have ripped all those gay cheek and brow-rings out. I wasn't expecting Xerxes to be so tall and sexual. Miller and the team did a fantastic job of portraying him as a real narcissist asshole. Getting back to the Oracle scene... I dunno. I thought the leprosy guys were hilarious, but the girl was like "umm... okay." I thought Leonidas's wife's sex scene was ten times hotter. That lady is fine. I was like WHOOP WHOOP! when her boob got exposed in the bed. You could tell what was gonna happen next.

I also liked the expression and celebration of freedom that this movie gave. But, again, this movie had lots of boobies and ancient-combat melee violence-- Two thumbs up in my book.
I didn't like it too much. Sin City was 100 times better
Conspiracy theorists, on the other hand, will see it as a Republican-funded recruiting film for the US Army...

Let those on the Left dilute in their own delusions. The main idea of the movie is freedom versus tyranny and those ideas reflect of the West versus the East. Maybe that is why Slate and others on the Left have such a problem with the film. They are rooting for the tyrants.
I just got back from the film a few hours ago, and I came away with overwhelmingly positive impressions. As a bit of a history buff, I loved the story despite its more artistic tweaks overall. The historical jokes were awesome as well, particularly the one about Athenians and their man-love.

I personally didn't see the movie as a sensory overload like some people may have, but I certainly could see why. If anything, if was if Miller had taken what he had learned in Sin City and cranked it up to 11 for 300, and at least for me, it left me begging for more...

...On the subject of the tie-ins from where we are today, I saw those throughout the entire film. For the most part, people seem to forget that we (the west) have been at war with them (the east) for centuries, and what we see happening today really isn't any different from what we saw thousands of years ago.

A recruitment film for the Army? I could see how it could be. It certainly pushes forward the ideas we should be entertaining today about the fight for freedom, liberty, et. al...

Heres to hoping that this does start some discussions over what is going on today, as we certainly stand to gain some direction from our ancestors in Sparta.
My favorite scene in the movie was the slow-motion sequence of the Persian Messenger (i think) riding on horseback, heading to Sparta. The cloak movement is amazing as well as the waving of the wheat.

Overall, I thought the movie was fantastic, the high points being the cinematography in my opinion.
The film was grainy and not focused correctly, their projector had uneven lighting, and the volume was turned up WAY too high.

The place i went to did the same thing :nervous: . Anyways, yes it was a good movie but it wasnt "Gladiator good". Those who've seen Gladiator will agree with me :sly:
I thought Troy was just as good or maybe even better now that I've seen 300. Other than that here is my full review. xD

Umm, yeah, what you wrote wasn't even remotely close to anything that begins to ponder what it might be like to pretend for a second that it is about to begin the process of becoming an actual review of a movie.

All you did was bitch about the Kia commercial before the movie and then bitch again about someone bringing their infant to the movie. And I followed a link for this?! No wonder you liked Troy better than 300.

On more related issues, the theatre I saw 300 at also had a focus problem, wherein the centre of the screen was blurred but the outer edges were clear. Though this theatre is notorious for such problems...

Also, after the movie I wanted to smash someone's face in too, but it was the face of the teenager who sat in front of me all effin movie and text messaged his friend four seats over for the entire duration of the movie, including the Kia commercial!
Word, I think this movie should've been part of an epic 3 hour long film. They could've included the Athenian point of view and made the film a hell of a lot deeper.

But, regardless, it IS from a graphic novel. The movie screams comic book, which I think is awesome in its own right. I admire the marriage of artistic and cinematographic creativity to such an epic conflict. Films that brace the precipice as this does make me want to have a future in hollywood again.
I saw this movie on Friday night at my local IMAX. If you have one near you, see it again at the IMAX. It's amazingly awesome.

Overall I loved the movie, but I've been waiting for it to come out since late October heh. I was really impressed how the entire movie was done on a green screen. Half of the time I couldn't tell when it was and when it wasn't green screened. The bottomless pit for the messenger was kind of obvious though XD.
RE: Troy: Hmmm... where do I begin? Troy does some things better, by staying more in period and more in the realm of reality than fantasy than 300 does, but where it falls apart is in the blatant "Hollywood-ization" of the story. The only thing this movie has in common with the actual invasion of Troy is the abduction of Helen, the big frigging wooden horse, and the sacking of Troy. Nothing else is remotely close to what actually happened, or even what the poets romanticize happened. It's right up there with "The Little Mermaid" for story-bastardization.

300 may be pretty far-fetched, but it sticks a bit closer to the story, and it doesn't pretend to be historical at all.

RE: Left - Right subplots: don't really want to go too far into that here. Truthfully, the overly-patriotic imagery was laughable in some regards... (again, come on... killing a guy for insulting your state? :lol: ) ...and should be taken in view of Spartan society as a whole. C'mon... these are guys for whom stealing is not a crime... getting caught is. Freedom and democracy are more the realm of Athenian philosophy ( :lol: again at the "boy lovers" line... that one cracked me up!)... Sparta herself had an underclass that did all their menial work, and killing one of these peons was actually legal as Sparta declared a constant state of war against them... just to keep them from rebelling. Spartan society actually gave its citizens very little liberty (foreign travel and philosophy was limited/prohibited), but the training it gave them would be the envy of any modern army.

But of course, in reference to Conspiracy theorists... reading right-wing influence (as I know a lot of people will) into a movie like this is entirely laughable. Any ultra-hawkishness in the movies thematics is due to the source material itself, and should be taken at purely face value. The important thing is to focus on the positive values that Spartan society upheld. Honor, courage, loyalty.

Still... great movie. I plan on buying the DVD when it comes out, and I very rarely shell out money for one of those overpriced pieces of plastic.
I really liked the movie, although I'm not one for going to see movies all that often...I think the last one I saw was Snakes on a Plane. Anyways with 300 I thought they did a great job with it, it presents the story in a way that hold true to what actually happened while throwing in awesome special effects.

I didn't see what all this political talk was about it but I pretty much just ignored those articles and what not. I really didn't give care all that much. If you find something political with it then so be it, but from what I've heard from the complainers of the film is that the Persians are America. This confused the hell out of me, why would the Americans be represented as ancient Iran? Don't we hate Iran or something?
Anyways, yes it was a good movie but it wasnt "Gladiator good". Those who've seen Gladiator will agree with me :sly:

Gladiator was a good movie, but I'd be in the camp that would that 300 is better. Why? Its more fun to watch, and does without the boring parts. Along those lines, I also enjoyed the story in 300 a bit better.

...It might be fun to watch Troy, The Odyssey, and 300 to get a good feeling for what Greek "history" was like. I had to explain to the folks I saw it with the history before and after 300 several times, and I'd love to see some kind of sequel to this movie...
Troy = Greek History as much as JFK = American History... lots of really fanciful stuff in there.

But the flavor was more correct than 300, even if the story wasn't.
Saw it on Friday, not going to give a review but it definetly is up there for one of the best movies i've seen.
I thought this was a very good movie. As mentioned already, it started out slow but wow once the first battle started it was just awesome!!!! A couple slow parts too that werent necessary but the battle scenes were just loaded with action and you could just feel the impact of the Spartans destroying everyone. It was the first movie that actually made me yell out loud in a theater in excitement. Especially when the Queen stabbed that guy at the end.
I cant wait to see this movie again when it comes to either the xbox marketplace in HD or out on DVD. 👍 👍
And to think I watched at home >.>;

Slow at first, awesome later.

And yes, I wanted to kick someone in the chest and yell "This is (Fill in noun here)" at the top of my lungs. 3 or 4 of my friends had similar sentiments.
And yes, I wanted to kick someone in the chest and yell "This is (Fill in noun here)" at the top of my lungs. 3 or 4 of my friends had similar sentiments.

I guess a lot of people had that feeling after watching it, me included :indiff:
And to think I watched at home >.>;

Slow at first, awesome later.

And yes, I wanted to kick someone in the chest and yell "This is (Fill in noun here)" at the top of my lungs. 3 or 4 of my friends had similar sentiments.

I remember yelling to my girlfriend that "tonight we were dining in hell" she just looked at me and said "get in the car".
Some of the webcomics also had fun with it...

PVP Online...


And if you hop on Youtube and look up PG trailer for 300 or "Cake Town" you'll see more messing around with it.