FREE! Anything | Gifting

  • Thread starter Matrihx
United States
Hey guys! Matrihx here, I am opening up a thread for the people who can't afford what they want on GT5. I am gifting anyone that wants what I have or what they want from the dealership/ucd/online dealership. Anyways, ask what you want and if I have it on my garage I will reply and add you on PSN, if I don't have what you want, ill try to find/get it from dealership/ucd/online dealership. I have enough money to buy people what they want so just request! Thanks, I just want to help out people :) OH and this is completely FREE!
Vauxhall VX220 (standard or turbo) and matte paints please!! Thanks! Please send an fr to Jimbob4441
Very generous of you. If you want send PSN acct LenBiasFan a friends and a PM saying its gtplanet related and Ill gift you any level ticket except level 2. Consider it a donation to your cause. I need nothing in return. This includes Modern and Classic Muscle ticket. :gtplanet:

Good Luck in your endeavor.
Sorry guys, been very busy since the day I posted this (yesterday) so I will try to send you guys what you want this week or next week. I have testing so I really have to study a lot...
If u could help.... Any legit racing car... I'm talking about lots of horse power!!! Thanks!! ANATOMICANT
PSN: Dorontic!

Gold Chrome or Just Chrome paints would be incredible.

As yet not had a Chrome paint on GT5, despite it being about 10+ hours played
Can I get the gathers drider civic race car,
Nissan silvia hks genki s15, and can I get silver chrome paints please.
To friend request me friend request:
I'll be thankful if you get me these cars amd items. :)
A Red Bull X2010 Prototype (P) (naked carbon) PLEASE LOL
I have Red Bull X2010 S.Vettel already :sly: