Free Glitch And Jeff Gordon Suits

  • Thread starter NikoBellic


United States
Under Your Bed
Yes, the very rare unseen image. The sacred Horizon-00 & Double Stripe-00. (As a thumbnail it has a blank picture.)

And also x15 Jeff Gordon Race Suits

I have x2 Suits
And x4 Helmets.

I dupe so I can send out as many as possible.

But you have to be able to send an FR to CH-E-V-R-O-L-ET as soon as possible.

Hopefully lots will want them as I have an unlimited supply.
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Two people got my goods!
Come'on people - it's free stuff /)_-
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Yes, the very rare unseen image. The sacred Horizon-00 & Double Stripe-00. (As a thumbnail it has a blank picture.)

And also x15 Jeff Gordon Race Suits

I have x2 Suits
And x4 Helmets.

I dupe so I can send out as many as possible.

But you have to be able to send an FR to CH-E-V-R-O-L-ET as soon as possible.

Hopefully lots will want them as I have an unlimited supply.

if i FR may i have?
wow, bud! i have 2 JG suits but i forgot if it was you who sent those before or somebody else but i'd like to have more of that to build an army of 6 JG's :lol:


thanks, buddy!