*** Free Xbox 360 *** Find out how!

Touring Mars

ツーリング マルス
Tired of those spam threads promising a free Xbox, cheap pills, or a larger 'personality' that usually look something like this:-

ÊÀÒÀËÎÃÀ íåò, îí â ïðîöåññå ôîðìèðîâàíèÿ. Çâîíèòå è ñïðàøèâàéòå ÷òî åñòü ïîä âàø ðîñò/ðàçìåð, ñòèëü êàòàíèÿ è ñòîèìîñòü. Ïîìîæåì ãðàìîòíî âûáðàòü ïîä âàøè êîíêðåòíûå öåëè!!! Åñëè òåëåôîí íå îòâå÷àåò èëè Ïîäðîáíî: òeëeôoí : B 9 2 6 52O ÇÇ 24 Åñëè òåëåôîí íå îòâå÷àåò èëè íåäîñòóïåí, ïåðåççâîíèòå ïîçæå èëè â äðóãîé äåíü. 👍

Well, if you really want a free Xbox, all you need to do these days is smash up a local church, and hope that the Pastor is a really understanding chap... Article...
To be honest I think that would encourage them to do it more. As what happens a lot in the world today, the bad people get rewards, the ones who behave don't, and they usually take advantage of that.

I doubt the consoles will keep them inside the house anyway. A lot of teenagers like to get out nowadays, even if they do really like the console...
Tired of those spam threads promising a free Xbox, cheap pills, or a larger 'personality' that usually look something like this:-

ÊÀÒÀËÎÃÀ íåò, îí â ïðîöåññå ôîðìèðîâàíèÿ. Çâîíèòå è ñïðàøèâàéòå ÷òî åñòü ïîä âàø ðîñò/ðàçìåð, ñòèëü êàòàíèÿ è ñòîèìîñòü. Ïîìîæåì ãðàìîòíî âûáðàòü ïîä âàøè êîíêðåòíûå öåëè!!! Åñëè òåëåôîí íå îòâå÷àåò èëè Ïîäðîáíî: òeëeôoí : B 9 2 6 52O ÇÇ 24 Åñëè òåëåôîí íå îòâå÷àåò èëè íåäîñòóïåí, ïåðåççâîíèòå ïîçæå èëè â äðóãîé äåíü. 👍

Well, if you really want a free Xbox, all you need to do these days is smash up a local church, and hope that the Pastor is a really understanding chap... Article...

I nearly banned you there.... :dopey:
Hm so instead of working hard for things, im better to steal it then ask for forgiveness?

I mean this way i get the thing i want and yet dont get into any trouble!

I just remembered, i have a er... thing.. to do tomorrow....

**screeches off in car kent brockman style**
Man, good thing it wasn't a mosque. :scared:

(That'd be the Stoning skill from GuildWars, clueless noob.)

Oh, that'll help. They're basically rewarding them for their bad deed.

"What, you smashed up our church? Here, have an Xbox360! But do it again, and we will take more extreme measures. You may wind up with a new car if you aren't careful."
I think this approach can work on certain types of individuals. I'm not saying that this is a reasonable or practical way to reach to these troubled kids by any means. If it was up to me, I'd sue the hell out of them. No pun intended.

But I also used to be one of them troubled youth types, once. But inside me somewhere was bit of good, decent heart. One night, way this one security guard handled me after I was busted doing something I should've been doing. Way he sat me down and talked to me, that changed my life. Just that one man, one incident turned me into a law abiding person(I won't say a citizen, since I live in America without being a citizen :P).

This pastor's action would have helped me. I'm sure there are some of us with conscience, who would've been affected by something like this also. From reading the article, I don't think it was a wise way to handle this. But without knowing facts like, maybe the pastor met these kids personally and decided to make the decision he made. Maybe learned something about the kids that made him come to his decision, I won't make any judgements.
No bad deed goes unrewarded, and no good deed goes unpunished.

Even if the vandals don't come back for more (which, why wouldn't they if the church is handing out free video games to boot), it will encourage OTHER kids that get wind of the story.

Reward the bahavior you like. Incentives work.
It's too bad that these kids' friends will misinterpret the actions of the pastor of this church, just as almost everyone who has posted in this thread. I'm sure that as the novelty of getting something free in return for commiting a crime has worn off for these kids, the inentions of their gifts will become more obvious to themselves, which is what the church is going for. If you're getting something as significant (for a teenager) as a gaming system, you're bound to think about what you've done. The church itself is out there to give kids a place to find guidance, both spiritually and physically, and this is doing just that. Maybe it isn't the most rational thing to do, but religion in general usually isn't anyways.

It isn't promoting violence, it is attempting to show a set of 3 kids a better light. If the kids haven't realized what the gifts and forgiveness are for then I'm sure someone will sit them down and explain it, which I'm guessing the church has already done. Criminals who don't feel the pain of hurting other people or property are the regulars. These kids got blazed and tossed around a church, and got caught while still doing it.