Front Bumper

  • Thread starter Joey D

Joey D

United States
Lakes of the North, MI
GTP Joey
Well since this is cheaper then the actual GM direct bumper this is what I might be getting. Oh well the ground effects gotta go.


Well how about some comments?
Originally posted by BlazinXtreme
Ricey? How the hell is that ricey?

The same way all of those "bad ass" blazers in your avatar are.

It looks like something that would be on a Blazer featured in a movie like the F&F.
well I'm in the need of a bumper. Plus the front air dam is scratched to high hell. This is cheap.
Originally posted by M5Power
Do you agree that PunkRock would hate it too?

Yes, and I was cracking up when I read, "...myself and PunkRock don't like it.":lol:
All the bumpers look the same pretty much. There is a Xenon one but its 400 way I'm paying that.
Elegant???..That's not Elegant..That's "I have a custom ride but I couldn't dish out the money for a nice bumper"...The first one you mentioned WOULD be nice..But it has those flares on the bumpers side...If it didn't have'd be good...Try and find something similar..But lacking the "Blitz Bodykit-esque" flare..ya know?
.....Nah..It looks weird where it meets the looks like it didn't belong anywhere near the SUV..The fender flares are to square for the smooth edged bumper
its the same way the current ground effects look when it meets the fenders
Originally posted by Shinez
Elegant???..That's not Elegant..That's "I have a custom ride but I couldn't dish out the money for a nice bumper"...

Elegant - Characterized by or exhibiting refined, tasteful beauty of manner, form, or style.

It's custom, and tasteful all at the same time.

I would much rather have that bumper, and a normal roll pan, than some crazy looking **** that looks like it should be hanging off the front of a Civic. Whatever, though. To each his own, I guess.:)
Originally posted by M5Power
Do you agree that PunkRock would hate it too?

Damn, am i really that predictable? :lol:

That bumper would scrape about everywhere, damaging all the paint at the bottom, and making you look like a ricer in need of a paintjob. Just don't do it.
how would it scrape? Its sits higher then the current ground efxs. My Blazer isn't slammed or anything. I'm not lowering it either due to Michigan winters.
I say you put sprewells on it...and drop it so low you get caught on speedbumps infront of Albertsons And Fry's...And put TV's everywhere EXCEPT For places where they can be seen without opening/Moving something........Put a TV Screen as your Gas Cap Cover..And a TV Screen under your horn..And a TV screen behind your liscence's the new's awesome..:D:D:D:D:D
Yeah, I agree, put three times as much into your Blazer than you paid for it. Sounds like a really good investment.👍
Joey, First of all, I like the bumper treatment. Especially, if you don't intend to lower the vehicle.
As for our feedback, ask yourself these questions:
Whose vehicle is it?
Who's making the payments?
Who's paying the insurance premiums?
Who's paying for the repairs/mods?
Is that guy the same dude in all instances?
Last question, and this one is the biggie:
Does that guy like the way the truck loocks?
Ultimately, he is the dude you're looking to impress.
Make your statement dude.
Playa' Haters...they roll off you like water off a duck's back.:D
Good luck with the repairs/modifications.
Originally posted by wana b drifter
your a v-tech sticker away from a ricer:lol:

[Ralph Wiggum] Its funny cuz it's true[/Ralph Wiggum]

You're always making fun of "ricers" yet you're one of them, Mr. streetracer780... Pitiful.