Fuji speedway F time trail ready for 10 round championship.

United Kingdom
Surge HaVoC
The rooms for the championship will be sixteen players so the 16 fastest around Fuji speedway F in a Nissan GTR in arcade mode will get into the championship.The arcade time trail must be ran on sports soft tyres or lower.

Track edge must be set to real.
Traction Control is OK to use.
ABS is OK to use.
Every other assist must be set to off.

If you are doing this in GT Mode then no GT Auto is allowed and no Modifying of the car is allowed in anyway.

I am going to ask you to also upload your replay to confirm your time so i can be sure its not fake.

There will be a leader board of the sixteen fastest, the tracks I will leave for you lot to decide there are only going to 10 tracks on around 15-30laps maybe more if you want more laps.

The Time Trail will go through to September 5TH 2011.
So get on out there to Fuji Speedway F and race those times down to ensure your place.