Full car body motion

  • Thread starter Sim2Go

Instead two wheels squeezing one layer this time its 8 or 2x4 ball units. Metal-to-metal contact creates noise, if it wont leave any groowes will try adding hard plastic layer to decrease it.

But again, this is aimed to be more arcade, outside amusement park euipment style hardware, so technical silence is not a huge priority

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Rx8 is same-ish dimensions as e46. It took some time to cut, re-align frame, find weight center, weld-up and still got some left to do.

Thanks to my colleague pointing out seriours mechanical error in yaw axis movement. This time will be placing yaw reducer in front side section, 60:1 2.2kw. It should be plenty to toss around the car even it is 200kg heavier.


After doing front will go for box.
Hope it wont be banging with muffler (:

Lets say this project is almost completed, because major changes would take more time to re-do than make new platform all along.
Whats left I'd say is outside audio output. Got decent sized audio speaker under the hood but in open space it gives too little sound, thinking about speakers placement and weather-proofing as well.

Another thing to complete is control button box, as someone suggested stream deck would do best job as buttons and their appearancr can be changed on demand, it got decent software. Deck will be used by assistant, setting wheel power, recentering VR, setting time, resetting car and other. Will have to spend some time to write macros.

Hopefully this platform lead a way to another, much more advanced one.
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Just before letting go decided to drop weight. Detached both axles and moved wheels onto yaw axis. Also 40kg of conditioner gone for now.
This helped both motors to give much smoother motion and less bounce on pitch - from PID 60/10/30 to 10/0/1.
It kinda looks different having car wheels only rotating, but not lifting with pitch, but I dont think any worse than before.


At least 200kg down, probably :)

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Had few runs with less weight, conservative motion speed, nothing seems to come loose, no noticeable technical noise. Lets keep it this way and do runtime to see whats up.

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Waiting for warmer weather to weldup and for paint to dry up. Meanwhile will secure car battery (used for alarm if left outside). Soon enough will add AC unit for summer weather.
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Had to switch rubber to playwood. 3mm one was too thick and heavy for yaw.

For back part needed quick access to car battery to hook up car alarm for the night.


When unloading (wheel removal) will use hydraulic jack. Tried it once, takes 15min to be ready.


I'm guessing while transporting the rig it should have diconnected arms and tied up with straps.
Before weight reduction reducer backlash and long pipes was creating really noticeable bouncing at the back of the car.

This time around motion looks so much more clean. Bounce is still there, but much less eye catching.

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Made pedal distance adjustment for little racers:) overall keeping it minimalistic since it will be used mostly with VR. It would be fun to play around with gauges :)
This is an awesome build but this comment has me puzzled. The last thing I'd want to do whilst sat in such an impressive build is then not be able to see it because I have a headset on.
This is an awesome build but this comment has me puzzled. The last thing I'd want to do whilst sat in such an impressive build is then not be able to see it because I have a headset on.
I felt the same way at first. Its mostly about type of usage. Guys from virtualreality.lt who gave a car have experience of using this car as "amusement park" equipment (stationary before, now with motion) and it really makes sence to go VR. Season is just around the corner and VR wins over projectors for few reasons: decent projector setup requires well done tent'ing to cover most of bright sun light; tenting creates a lot of heat inside; tent covers at least half of the car;. It deafeats purpose of attracting people to try it out because they wont notice it. Also words virtual-reality are still attracting people as many have not tried it.

Projector wins over at places : outside at evening-night rides; private closed spaces; both ways would also need ambient lights to make it as it needs to be.

For now we'll try (I guess) outside under the sun places.
If all goes well guys are giving hopes to work on exotic car which I would gladly accept as new adventure.


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Photos from DELFI news portal 2019
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Air cooling is back, just in more compact box, weighs less and is repositioned to the back.

Main problems with this are sound level and aesthetics of home applience product in a car.

To deal with unappealing looks covered back with holed sheet metal to let air trough.

If you plan to make something like this, it should be no brainer to invest time into converting car AC unit/comfort block into 110/220v by adding motor to spin the redone system.


To deal with sound problem added soundbar just overhead. Sound set right vanished sound of air cooler and is really easy to adjust with headset on as you only need to raise your hand to access buttons. It came with woofer which had been added.



Had to tint side/back windows to hide view as well. Look great IMO.


Being not sure about transportation. Detaching pitch axis not to ruin reducer with potholes, easy to attach again.

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Had two more runs at my hometown. This time around added ticket queue program to manage waiting line, it helps a lot.


Also added most used functions to "Unified Remote". I like this app a lot, Bluetooth connection and you control PC without keyboard. You also can add IR remote(s) buttons (sound system, air conditioner, TV in this case). Should add onto it in future, expand for tracking key presses if anyone else wants to run simulator.

Very young fellas (below 7~) have problems keeping headset on, but no problems of accessing pedals or wheel.
Had gentleman over 70 and lady over 60 try it out and by properly explaining what to expect and do they did very well.
Man was passed by F40s, R34s while driving calmly and told after he enjoyed it very much. It really made my day:)
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Had a early morning trip to shopping mall in Kaunas. Having lots of interaction with people while trying out. Will post results and more in depth conclusions. Assetto Corsa running Deep Forest already made 3000km on it :)
Two months of selling ticket for a ride in a car passed by. It was really another kind of experience I was used to. Quiet and silent garage was switched to loud shopping center with lots of people and interaction with them. Total of 58 days and 2 different spots were tried out. I never imagined that 30 meters of distance apart both places can impact volume so much.



First place had much higher people flow so days were much more intense and full of challenges. During the first week I didn't know Assetto Corsa's function "CTRL+C" where AI takes over car control and enables motion without drivers input. It is the main selling point - differentiating car from regular showcase cars in the shopping malls. To improvise I invited fellas to ride for free (those who was walking around for hours but probably didn't have money to) to attract others to try it out. I wish AI driver could be switched back by press of the button instead of having to quit game and reload completely.



Another spot was near restaurant block and it was much quieter. In this place there was more adults trying it out and much more cases of dizziness especially for those who just had meals. There I had more time to think about what to improve, what to tell customer to make best 10 minutes of a ride.


During both months tracked fastest guys on a track. Most of them completed total of one hour playtime, so it was hard to get into time-table. It was DeepForest track with Porshe 911 GT3 Cup 2017 with assists on if you ever would try it out yourself :) 2 of top 3 players were 13 yo's in the same cart racing group, it was fun watching them compete.


Yesterday ended the journey here in Kaunas. Met great people, gained few contacts and interests. Lots learned for further garage workings to make experience even better :)
Galėjai kažkokią reklamą išmesti, žiūrėk, būtumėm ne tik čia tave sekę, bet ir atlėkę išbandyti. Mums nuotykis, tau - €...
Daug kam pasakojau, kad dabartinis auto tėra konceptas, pramoga, atrakcionas, o ne simuliatorius, "staklės", kuriose turėtų kažką rimčiau paveikti ir entuziastai :)
Automobilio judėjimas daugiau skirtas praeivių akims patraukti, o ne padėti vairuotojui suprasti, kas darosi kelyje. Užsidėjus akinius nebematai ir pačio automobilio, tad potyris vairuoti tikrą kėbulą dingsta (asmeniškai VR akiniai labai nepatinka, bet kol kas veikia parduoti bilietą).
Manau netolima ateitis, planuojami darbai nustebins ir būtinai pranešiu ir kviesiu išbandyti, noriu kad būtų smagu ir jums:)
Galėjai kažkokią reklamą išmesti, žiūrėk, būtumėm ne tik čia tave sekę, bet ir atlėkę išbandyti. Mums nuotykis, tau - €...
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