Full Grid?

Personally I think a full grid should be added. Doing a race with 6 cars on the "Ring" seems very spastic and alone. Plus I think the the whole racing atmosphere would be MUCH better than the traditional 6 car line-up.
Demon Drone
Well considering I have dial-up, I'm doing good to view this site. But thanks for the info!! That's good to hear!!
Dude, find a broadband connection and watch the "Vision Gran Turismo" trailers ASAP. They'll make your day. :) 👍
L8 Apex
Dude, find a broadband connection and watch the "Vision Gran Turismo" trailers ASAP. They'll make your day. :) 👍
if by 'day', you ment 'life', then yea, i'd agree with that. 👍
hopefully a full lineup with resolve the annoying inconsistancy in race difficulty. i hate racing four slow cars and one nuts car..

do you think the ai would be better with 20+ cars? they'd have to have a few different racing lines with that many on the track, wouldn't they? i'm so sick of the slot-car ai..
Yeah this is the point where PD have no choice but to improve the AI, it'd be bumper car heaven with 20 car grids and GT4's AI.
Maybe with so many cars on the track there could be different classes racing at once. LMPs and GTS cars on LeMans 24H anyone?
I think that at the le mens endurance there should be the full 50 cars. if not, now about 6 LMP1, 4 LMP2, 5 GT1, and 5 GT2, that would be a great line up. Ans with damage includede (hopefully) you will have to miss laps while your in the pit repairing the car! But, if you are in the pits, you shouldn't have to wait, you should just be able to have an option to skip!