Full motion sim?

  • Thread starter ocezam
I sold my sim rig a year or two ago along with my PS4. I've been waiting for PS5 and GT7. Lately, I have become stuck on the purchase of a DOF P3 full motion sim. ( https://dofreality.com/professional...for-business-arcade-centers-event-rental//#p3 ).

I can't find a straight answer as to whether the PS5 and GT7 will enable this motion sim to work. Does anybody have any experience with this? Am I going to have to invest in a gaming PC and forget about Gran Turismo after 20 years?
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There are console games that support motion rigs, so no need to buy a PC for that. I doubt GT7 will support it though.
OK. Thank you for your reply. It looks to me like Assetto Corsa may run the motion sim from a PS5. Anyone familiar with that?

If nobody knows yet I can say for-sure that when ACC comes out in Feb for PS5 we'll know then, as long as somebody tries it, which you'd think would happen given that it's ACC.
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