Fully Customisable Transmission?

  • Thread starter Sunzi
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
How's it going guys.

Is it me, or have the 1.15 revisions to this modification resulted in the transmission now having a flat and fixed effect on acceleration times.

I.e no matter how much I adjust my top speed (up or down) and/or shorten/lengthen my ratios or final drive the effect on acceleration times remains unaffected.

Surely, the purpose of the fully customisable transmission is to alter ratios to improve times, not just change the length for say optimal cornering? Which is of course an excellent benefit.

For standard acceleration it appears that you cannot improve upon the fixed figure this modification allows when installed.

Am I a n00b (well I am for sure ha)? Have I misunderstood?

Pre 1.15, adjustments to the gearing would impact quarter mile times etc.
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How's it going guys.

Is it me, or have the 1.15 revisions to this modification resulted in the transmission now having a flat and fixed effect on acceleration times.

I.e no matter how much I adjust my top speed (up or down) and/or shorten/lengthen my ratios or final drive the effect on acceleration times remains unaffected.

Surely, the purpose of the fully customisable transmission is to alter ratios to improve times, not just change the length for say optimal cornering? Which is of course an excellent benefit.

For standard acceleration it appears that you cannot improve upon the fixed figure this modification allows when installed.

Am I a n00b (well I am for sure ha)? Have I misunderstood?

Pre 1.15, adjustments to the gearing would impact quarter mile times etc.
Ya it looks like 1.15 broke the visual aspect of that part of the game to fix the tomahawk bug. I'm sure changing gearing around still affects our acceleration and top speed, it just doesn't show in the 1/4 mile times etc. Anymore.

So ya I noticed this as well.
Ya it looks like 1.15 broke the visual aspect of that part of the game to fix the tomahawk bug. I'm sure changing gearing around still affects our acceleration and top speed, it just doesn't show in the 1/4 mile times etc. Anymore.

So ya I noticed this as well.
Ah so it's not just me. That's a relief.

I can't be certain as to the effects of customising the ratios to compare/know that they're working properly because the PP of the car I was testing has also gone up by 3 points recently, and so to qualify for the event I had been testing in before now needs power restriction from 75 to 73% output, skewing my test lap times.

Only a small amount but we're dealing with fine margins anyway at this stage. (Less than a second) 😬

Edit: Unless the Customisable Transmisison isn't actually working and the 3PP increase isn't actually a increase but perhaps a failure to translate to the total PP when reducing the Top Speed from 260KM to 200KM (I'm certain lowering top speed used to lower PP) - this seems plausible to me.
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The gearing should affect the PP as it has a direct impact on lap times (in the real world at least). I'm not sure what they coded in to eliminate the Tomahawk exploit, but it definitely appears to have a detrimental impact with regards to tuning the trans. I have a few cars that went from world-beaters to nearly uncompetitive since the patch.
Yep, it’s a killer for me. The fact that it won’t read in MPH isn’t the biggest problem, but I wasn’t messing with the gear ratios before. I was depending on that info to update on the left side when I adjusted the top speed.

I’m not holding my breath on this being fixed any time soon. consider that, in April, they had a note about “extreme gear ratios manipulating PP”. Their solution, after a month, was to remove that element from the calculations entirely. If they can’t fix something, they’ll get rid of it - Just like they did with brake balance and e-brake in sport mode.

I imagine tonight’s patch will be for the wheel, and that’s it.
Glad I'm not the only one annoyed by the non-mph gearbox menu.

Could the 1/4 mile drag mission, vs the blue Audi RS, be used as a stopgap performance measurement? Looks like PD didn't put in the "machine test" features.

Why on earth did they scrap brake balance and E-brake in sport mode?