Fully free BMP to SVG converter that requires less KB than Inkscape? Is that possible?

Western Provinces
I made some pixelated Paint Bitmaps on MS Paint and noticed, when I used Inkscape to convert it to SVG, that when it was converted that it took 9kb to create a 230x108 pixel render when I think some people can upload some full decals less than 15kb without any problem.

Is it because of Inkscape or is it a matter of me not doing the process the right way? Is there a convert to SVG program that's fully free that requires less KB, please?
Is it because of Inkscape or is it a matter of me not doing the process the right way? Is there a convert to SVG program that's fully free that requires less KB, please?

Different programs do offer different results, but 90% of it will likely just be the nature of the image you're trying to make and the fact you are 'converting' it. Starting with a bitmap file will almost always give you a bloated svg file.

You can't think of it in terms of pixels when it comes to size - it just doesn't work like that.
svg file is basicly a text file - the more objects you have the more signs/symbols are needed to define point coordinates, colors etc.
when I try to "lighten" svg I try to keep the nodes number as minimum as possible without losing too much shape.
"Trace bitmap.." tool in Inkscape, and in my experience, in any vector graphic application tend to give you result with lots of unnecessary nodes - unless you spend a lot of time adjusting tool options. For example : Below is a quick traced bitmap (on the left) and result of tracing on the right. All of these circles can be defined with 3-4 nodes and as you can see inkscape traced it with tons. I believe similiar case can be with Your bitmaps. Thats why I prefer to manually trace bitmaps even if time consuming I get better size results. And there's also some online svg optimizers like SVGOMG that I sometimes use to further reduce size.
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