Fun things clubOpen 

Should we remove the pace car for pace laps?

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United States
North Carolina
ID: 1053762

Welcome to the fun things club! In this club we do things like cruising, rally racing, etc. We also do racing leagues! There are only three leagues at the moment and they are listed below. (other things are listed below the leagues) This will be updated as more leagues are open. There will be a forum on the club that you can register in, all you need to do is comment your PSN name in the league forum and you will be allowed to race in the league.

Leagues (Will be updated as more leagues are open) - This is for people who want to race in certain categories or one-make races, the setup and rules are listed below for the current club.

MX-5 League

Car: Any Mazda MX-5 that will have a stripe/stripes when custom paint is applied

Paint: Any (Must be custom, and dont use the black paint with no reflection from the peugeot VGT)

Horsepower: 366 (Use all power upgrades)

Nitrous: No

Spoiler: Special wing: Type B

Aero kit: Type A

Height above ground: 75 inches

Rims: Inch up: 2, Classic wire Knock-off Plain

Dirty racing: Allowed, but please keep to a minimum. (This means not constantly trying to wreck someone every 10 seconds)

When a wreck occurs the pace car comes out, and the drivers do 1 to 2 pace laps behind the pace car (The number of laps depends on the size of track). The pace car is any driver who wants to drive the gran turismo pace car during crashes, also, the pace car parks at the end of pit road until there's a crash. (The pace car is for every league)

To start a race go to the "Rooms" section and call the room "MX-5 League Race". Make sure the room is set to "Club Only".

If you finish the car setup your car should look something like this:

Camaro league

Car: Camaro Z28 Race Car '69

Paint: Any

Horsepower: Stock

Nitrous: No

Spoiler: Stock

Aero kit: Stock

Height above ground: Stock

Rims: Stock

Dirty Racing: Allowed

When a wreck occurs the pace car comes out, and the drivers do 1 to 2 pace laps behind the pace car (The number of laps depends on the size of track). The pace car is any driver who wants to drive the gran turismo pace car during crashes, also, the pace car parks at the end of pit road until there's a crash. (The pace car is for every league)

Every car must have a number for the Camaro League

To start a race go to the "Rooms" section and call the room "Camaro League Race". Make sure the room is set to "Club Only".

Rally League:

Car: Any rally car (Custom made rally cars allowed)

Paint: Any

Horsepower: 700 or less

Nitrous: No

Spoiler: Stock (Can be any spoiler if car is custom made)

Aero kit: Stock (Can be any kit if car is custom made)

Height Above ground: Stock (Can be any height if car is custom made)

Rims: Default rally/snow rims

Dirty Racing: Prohibited (Mistakes are allowed, but purposely wrecking someone is not)

When a wreck occurs the pace car comes out, and the drivers do 1 to 2 pace laps behind the pace car (The number of laps depends on the size of track). The pace car is any driver who wants to drive the gran turismo pace car during crashes, during rally events, the pace car is at the side of the road at the start of the track.

To start a race go to the "Rooms" section and call the room "Rally League Race". Make sure the room is set to "Club Only".

Rules (applies for all leagues) -

Wrecking the pace car is prohibited, no matter the cause.

Leaving the room or exiting the track to retire from a race is prohibited, go onto pit road and pause the game while in pit road to retire, this will keep your car in the pit box.

Excessive bumper drafting is illegal, and will result in a penalty, you must drive through pit road when you have the chance in order for this penalty to go away. If you do not drive through pit pit lane, you're position will be last no mater where you are on the track. (e.g. You have a black flag and finish first, the person in second actually takes first place).

Cruising - A free run event that takes place on a track of the hosts choice. To start a room, make a free run room with the name "Cruise", the host may decide if it is 2 way or not, the speed limit, and the track. VGT, race cars, and redbull are not allowed in these events.

Police cars: All police cars need to be is a pace car, either the normal Gran Turismo pace car, or the BMW M4 Performance edition, with the pace lights equipped on the top. Police trucks are black trucks with some upgrades. S.W.A.T. trucks are black range rovers.

Civilians: Drivers with cars that are 100% stock, the only exception to customization is paint colors. Can speed, but will be pulled over, a driver can have three tickets until their car is impounded, then they cannot use this car until the next event.

Racers: Drivers with fully/slightly customized cars. Can speed, but will be pulled over, a driver can have three tickets until their car is impounded, then they cannot use this car until the next event.

Heat: A pursuit starts at heat level 1, and gradually levels up over time. The Different heat levels are listed below:

1: Start of pursuit. The only cops in this pursuit are the cops who saw the racer speeding.
2: 3 min. Cops can call for backup.
3: 6 min. Roadblocks can be deployed. Truck/SUV Roadblocks are deployed at heat level 5
4: 10 min. Cops may start driving reckless when trying to pull over the racer.
5: 13 min. Truck/SUV Roadblocks can be deployed.
6: 20 min. S.W.A.T. trucks can chase the racer (S.W.A.T. trucks are completely black range rovers, these vehicles also require black wheels).
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