
  • Thread starter Spec M

Spec M

Spec M Built
United States
Theres been alot of talking about what people want as far as graphics and bodykits and things of that sort. But suprisingly theres been no threads concerning deeper tuning and funtional modifications that I had in mind so let me start one. Having the tuning aspect more involved is what iam hoping for and also being able to see some parts after installation would be awesome.

Note: Iam not implying that PD take real life namebrand parts and compose them into 3D models. This would be to complicated, tedious and time consuming. Iam satisfied with the illustrations of parts shown in the current GTs. But what I would like to see is some key parts like brakes/calipers, AYC/VCD systems installed in the console, a stripped interior in a weight reducted car etc. Im not asking PD to do anything untraditional to the GT series. Im implying that we are able to take a deeper, detailed look at what its been about since day one.

  1. Breaking down the performance upgrades would make the the system even deeper. Let me start with breaks since everyone knows what they do. How about being able to select between just slotted disc to drilled and slotted disc and to top them of have a selection of 4, 6 to 12 piston big body calipers. Low on credits? How about just purchasing steel braided brake lines and/or performance pads for the OEM brake system you have.
2.Moving on to more complicated things how about upgrading the engine from top to bottom major piece by piece cams, cam gears, forged pistons, pulleys, valves, valve springs, lifters, retainer etc. Even having performance spark plugs and wires to start off a project. Fuel injectors, pumps, regulators, fuel filters, and rails will be essential.Ive been pretty satisfied with the drivetrain options. Tho it would be nice to see a shortshifter or perhaps a carbon LSD.

3.The most innovative thing they can do is add things like dynos, ECU, turbotimers, fuel mapping, and EMS. Nothing can be more satisfying than defeating an opponent that has the same or more performance upgrades than you simply because you are the great tuner. Parts are useless if you cant tune. You will not only prove your the greater driver but also the greater tuner. Also when installing these parts you should be able to see them in the cockpit view mount in the console. Nothing flashy but you know when your in the car it looks like a profesional track tune machine.
This is from a CBR600 but you get the idea.

Apexi Piggy Back Fuel Computer

4.Being able to set PSI for each individual tire can also be essential to winnig a race. If a track has mostly left hand turns I should be able to adjust the right side tire pressure accordingly for the best grip and or tire endurance.

Thats about it for me. The major most important things I think will keep PD revolutionising the industry and keep themselves isolated from the other console "simulators" and street racing games.

However I dont think that the tuning will be as deep as most enthusiast would want it because it wouldnt be "user friendly" to some new to the series. But the gameplay wouldnt be different it simply the tuning aspect will have a way steeper learning curve. The drivers with the most invovled tuning time will usually be the best. This wouldnt be unfair to people that arent good at tuning will it?

I may have forgotten somethings that hardcore enthusiast would want to see so feel free to add on.
I would love all that, but you isolate potential customers, it becomes to hardcore.
my 9 year old brother loves the japanese demo, but if he had to tune parts of the car in that much detail to beat the cpu he wouldn't play it.
I would like to see more parts as much as more things to tweak. And I don't jsut mean more seperate parts of the car to change. The upgrades systems we've had in GT games so far is linear, if you want a bigger turbo you buy one thats a stage up from what you've got. You want and ECu you buy an ECU.

What I would like is to open the modding up, lets say you have a Subari Impreza and you want to tune it, say your after a turbo. As things are, wherever you go you have stage 1-4 turbo's to pick from and whichever shop you go to, they are all the same. What I would like to see is say the STi turbo's offering different power curves, peak power and peak torque levels and lag levels to the Blitz turbos, which in turn would be different to the Tommy Kaira turbos and so on. So wherever you get your parts from will make a difference. And you can apply that to all the parts, instead of offering racing disks as a simple upgrade offer a variety of disk and caliper packages. Ofcourse each one will have it's pro's and cons, different stopping power (which ofcourse is useless if it beats your tyres grip levels) so more powerful isn't always best, different fade levels etc.

That way you and your mate can have two fully tunes Imprezas, only they arn't identical, statistically and in terms of performance. The same throught process can go to all other parts, suspension, rather than sports, semi-racing and racing, why not have different packages with some that suit off road racing more. There is no subsitute for choice.
Well just the tuning aspect would change, well not change but become deeper. The gameplay would be the same and having the correct setup will be most useful in online races when you are competing with your own skill level.

Just like in all previous GTs you never really needed a fine-tuned setup to compete against the AI. Many player didnt even get involved with the suspension, gear ratios etc. It would be the same with fuel mapping boost controllers and other things.

The best things about these parts if you compare a vehicle equiped with a boost controller, ECU, and/or fuel mapping and one that is unequiped it wont matter if the arent tuned. Thus a person can compete and have a good race and not even be aware of these options.

Also GT will always have a arcade mode, but hopefully they will have there own version of what Microsoft calls player matching. Allowing new or casual gamers, little brothers, sisters cousins etc. to play with people in there rank criteria. In other words it can also keep you away from those high-rank players that just hunt on the new and weak.
I would like to see more parts as much as more things to tweak. And I don't jsut mean more seperate parts of the car to change. The upgrades systems we've had in GT games so far is linear, if you want a bigger turbo you buy one thats a stage up from what you've got. You want and ECu you buy an ECU.

What I would like is to open the modding up, lets say you have a Subari Impreza and you want to tune it, say your after a turbo. As things are, wherever you go you have stage 1-4 turbo's to pick from and whichever shop you go to, they are all the same. What I would like to see is say the STi turbo's offering different power curves, peak power and peak torque levels and lag levels to the Blitz turbos, which in turn would be different to the Tommy Kaira turbos and so on. So wherever you get your parts from will make a difference. And you can apply that to all the parts, instead of offering racing disks as a simple upgrade offer a variety of disk and caliper packages. Ofcourse each one will have it's pro's and cons, different stopping power (which ofcourse is useless if it beats your tyres grip levels) so more powerful isn't always best, different fade levels etc.

That way you and your mate can have two fully tunes Imprezas, only they arn't identical, statistically and in terms of performance. The same throught process can go to all other parts, suspension, rather than sports, semi-racing and racing, why not have different packages with some that suit off road racing more. There is no subsitute for choice.

Exactly what im hoping for. Like if I know the factory turbo in my EVO MR can potentially put my car into the 400-450hp range. Why buy a whole turbo when I can purchase a boost controller map it out raise the boost and have it run at its full potential.
Any options that they can bring to GT5 should be welcomed as long as it does not radically change the game style. Deeper tuning etc. would as always be an option. You can play and complete GT with very basic tuning meaning power upgrades only. However it would be nice to be able to purchase complete upgrades also. Say stage 1 race upgrade ( all stage 1 parts ), stage 2 etc.
1: Thats not a boost controller. thats a SAFC. It allows you to adjust fuel +/- 20% every like 500rpm I think.
2: That is too indepth for the casual gamer that will pick the game up. I would love to have more adjustments, but theres a point where it gets overwhelming for the average joe that may not understand what a fuel map is, or how it works. If something like this was made, I think an auto tune option should be implemented, but of course it shouldnt be a perfect tune so that an average joe doesnt have to worry about having to learn to tune a car just to play a game.
3: I like the idea of having different brands produce different results so not every car is 100% the same. I would love to put a huge turbo on a built supra for 1/4 mile runs(meaning lots of lag, and a very peaky powerband), then be able to buy a smaller turbo and take it to a road course(meaning less hp/tq but better response and powerband).
I just selected the wrong pic and didnt think anyone would care. Doesnt really matter everone gets the idea of electronic tuning devices. Of course the mapping will be watered down so it doesnt take a technition to understand it. Lets leave the obvious and irrational out...

NOTE: The SAFC II alows adjustment +/-50% at 8 different points at every 500rpm by the way.
1: Thats not a boost controller. thats a SAFC. It allows you to adjust fuel +/- 20% every like 500rpm I think.
2: That is too indepth for the casual gamer that will pick the game up. I would love to have more adjustments, but theres a point where it gets overwhelming for the average joe that may not understand what a fuel map is, or how it works. If something like this was made, I think an auto tune option should be implemented, but of course it shouldnt be a perfect tune so that an average joe doesnt have to worry about having to learn to tune a car just to play a game.
3: I like the idea of having different brands produce different results so not every car is 100% the same. I would love to put a huge turbo on a built supra for 1/4 mile runs(meaning lots of lag, and a very peaky powerband), then be able to buy a smaller turbo and take it to a road course(meaning less hp/tq but better response and powerband).

Why would you change the entire Turbine setup when you can just adjust boost pressure? You can pretty much change entire turbo kits in any GT. Thats the whole point of this thread to talk about the possibly deeper tuning capability:)
Close enough on the % lol. I figured thats what you did, but I was being picky :P
Yeah, you can change psi, but that wont affect that the turbine wheel is massive and needs to be smaller to spool faster.
Yea thats true... Adding a massive intercooler may help... or not. Lol I guess going BIG is what caused the dilemma to begin with.
That would be it. It would be like trying to blow at a house fan blades trying to get them to spin compared to a small toy plane's propellers if you can understand that.
I have always dreamed for this sort of level of tuning in GT like I do real life, but it is a dream I never expect to be fulfilled, not in Gran Turismo anyway.
I for one am for a deeper tuning catalog of parts and settings. However, I am not a great tuner, and when I drive a car that has someone's' setup on it and it is perfect, I just ask myself how the hell did they get it to this point of perfection?

Therefore, I think of how PD can somehow incorporate a learning system in game for those who might need help figuring things out. Just like how they have the driving license tests to teach basic and advanced driving maneuvers, they can somehow have basic and advanced drills to teach you proper setups for certain situations. They have descriptions in the setup screens, but sometimes that just confuses people more than it helps.

Who knows, given GT TV being incorporated into GT5, it would be sweet to see video tutorials popping up every once in a while.
Sweeeeeet! It apears that one of my dreams are coming true. In this pic it appears that the assist is being tweaked and the player is in-game, not in the pause screen, options or prerace menu.

I just wonder if this was in the cockpit view would there be in any movement from the driver. Yaknow maybe see his hand move toward the console and so forth. I know it doesnt really matter but it would just show Polyphony excelling once again whe it comes to attention to detail.:sly:
thats cool u sure its not photoshopped?

I like the idea of deeper tuning and aftermarket options.

Like i never understood what the point was of the tuning part when u just got the same thing from each of the companies anyway...

so as a mechanic i am hoping for much deeper tuning options, maybe engine swaps? that would be nice. stroker kits? theres so much id love to see from GT in the future.
Sounds great to me. As has been mentioned, a good deal of dumbing down of the more technical aspects would probably benefit almost all GT5ers, though a special "hardcore" mode would also be cool. :dopey:

One thing I've missed since it was dropped after the original GT is the ability to adjust boost pressure. It was great buying a stage 2 turbine, running it at lower boost for certain races and higher for others in a given championship and, indeed, between different championships / single events to 'level' the field. It was such a simple option and so effective that it's remained a wonder to me why it a) was ever removed and b) has never returned since!

Whilst I wouldn't complain if there were to be different characteristics and availability of the parts from the various tuners (the latter sounds a little bit harsh on the tuners themselves, mind you,) I think the tinkering is:
  • Much more versatile in terms of end results
  • Far more intuitive and informative for gamers (veterans of recent NFS games and its clones excluded)
  • More rewarding a challenge for PD ;)

Ideally both would be great, but I think, of the two main ideas presented in this thread, I personally would get more out of the sub-divided parts bin and tinkerability than the differing tuner characteristics.

With special regard to these extra parts, the upgrades could be grouped under "stages" for |\|o0bz0rz® and "quick-tuning" purposes, whilst a sub-menu could be offered to customise the "order." The biggest candidate for such an overhaul, in my opinion, is the traditional NA-tuning set-up in GT...
Sweeeeeet! It apears that one of my dreams are coming true. In this pic it appears that the assist is being tweaked and the player is in-game, not in the pause screen, options or prerace menu.[...]I just wonder if this was in the cockpit view would there be in any movement from the driver. Yaknow maybe see his hand move toward the console and so forth. I know it doesnt really matter but it would just show Polyphony excelling once again whe it comes to attention to detail.:sly:

I think that's a new option with the GT DFP wheel (has knobs to adjust settings on the fly).
I like to see those features as much as you do, but in reality 98% of GT5 player will not care about such in depth tuning and 98% of the people who do care about such in depth tuning don't care about this game.

PD will not spend their resources on a piece of code that only 2% of their customers will enjoy.

By the way, why would you want to see a turbo timer in GT5? That would be even more pointless than the back up light.