Fur Industry in China...

I was on a guitar website and in the news section it mentioned a PSA featuring Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails. This ain't exactly for the faint of heart.


It goes into detail about the unregulated fur industry in China, I thought it was really sad. Talking to somebody through im, they said peta kills animals as a tax write-off. Anyone know if this is true or just a load of crap?
Thats pretty brutal. Whats worse is those gal-bladder bear farms, where these grown bears are kept in cages, barely big enough for them to turn around in, with tubes hanging out of them so they can extract their gal-bladder fluid or whatever it is out of them every day. For what you ask? Nothing! Its because they "believe" it helps them out sexually or something stupid. I could see if it had some kind of scientific function, but it doesn't, its basically a placebo.

On the other hand though, PETA does have a way of showing the worst of every industry. I watched a video by them showing the pig and beef industry, and being a member who owns a beef farm, and has been around the industry for a couple of decades now, I can say not everything they said is true. They have a way of showing the absolute worst of every situation in order to pluck the strings of whoevers heart is watching.
On the other hand though, PETA does have a way of showing the worst of every industry. I watched a video by them showing the pig and beef industry, and being a member who owns a beef farm, and has been around the industry for a couple of decades now, I can say not everything they said is true. They have a way of showing the absolute worst of every situation in order to pluck the strings of whoevers heart is watching.

True, they mess with emotions. I didn't enjoy the film Farenheit 9/11 because of the way Michael Moore uses actual emergency phone calls the day of 9/11. He did it in Bowling For Columbine, too. I'm also put off by the fact that he takes stuff out of context. In F9/11, there's a scene where he says the bush administration changed their stance on how dangerous Saddam Husein was. Watching it again, he took just about every statement out of context, I think one or two of the examples mentioned SH. I don't dig that, but I'll stop before I go into a discussion about politics.

As far as the beef farms, I really liked the documentary Super Size Me. There was an interview with the author of "Fast Food Nation" on the DVD and he mentioned massive, massive beef farms exclusively for large chains like MCDonalds, where they process thousands, possibly millions of cow at once, just herding them together. The result is a burger you eat at Micky D's that could possibly feature meat from several hundred cows...

...As opposed to the natural way, in which you eat a regular old hamburger from one cow. Do you know about any of this?