Further proof Bryant Gumbel is an idiot

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Not liking the Olympic games is one thing, but not liking them because you're a racist and mocking dedicated athletes (who *gasp* aren't in a sport for the money!) is another.
Apart from the racist comment, he's dead-on. There's so little in the winter olympics that I would consider sport.

Bobsled, luge, skiing, speed skating. Almost all of the rest of the events are ridiculous. Ice dancing? Half-pipe? Pfffft. Any time that there's a subjective measure, it's an art, and not a sport.

I don't deny that it's physically challenging. That in and of itself does not make it a sport.
Shani Davis, who won an individual gold in 1,000m speed-skating yesterday - and current world record holder...
I tried to follow the Windows Media Player link for the video, and a bunch of gibbirish appeared on the screen and my computer froze. Warning.

Edit: Decided I can just read what this submoron said. And it just goes to show the only proof you need that Bryant Gumble's an idiot is simply to watch the man on television.
You must have clicked onto one of Master_Yoda's posts again...
Yeah, I heard about this yesterday. :lol: TBH, I don't know much about Gumbel, because I haven't seen him much. I've never had any problems with anything he's said before this.

This does sound like an racist statement. It is true that Summer Olympics are much bigger deal than the Winter Olympics. Also, there are lesser numbers of sports to play, and some of them might be little bit different than the sports that we are used to seeing during the summer. I call it unique, Gumbel calls it "trying". Athletes playing and competing, even in a winter weather is a great thing for sports fans. Instead of just staying in homes during the winter(like me), they invented sports that can be played only during the winter. Winter sports are every bit as authentic as the other sports. This from someone who hates winter sports. I don't like the cold, snow, I don't ski or snowboard.

Bryant Gumbel
So try not to laugh when someone says these are the world’s greatest athletes, despite a paucity of blacks that makes the Winter Games look like a GOP convention.
He pretty much says that if Blacks are not in it, it's not a real sport. Bryant Gumbel is a racist.

Like, try not to be incredulous when someone attempts to link these games to those of the ancient Greeks who never heard of skating or skiing
Very, very weak take. I guess we should strip the Summer Olympics of those sports that didn't exist in Ancient Greeks too? Maybe we should just stick with marathons. :lol:
Very, very weak take. I guess we should strip the Summer Olympics of those sports that didn't exist in Ancient Greeks too? Maybe we should just stick with marathons. :lol:

The first ancient Olympics consisted of just one event, which I believe was roughly equivalent to a 150 metre sprint.

That'd make a great fortnight of television.
I read about this yesterday, what a jerk. I heard he got canned by HBO for it though, is this true?

He should have stuck with Gumbel 2 Gumbel.
part from the racist comment, he's dead-on. There's so little in the winter olympics that I would consider sport.

Bobsled, luge, skiing, speed skating. Almost all of the rest of the events are ridiculous. Ice dancing? Half-pipe? Pfffft. Any time that there's a subjective measure, it's an art, and not a sport.

I don't deny that it's physically challenging. That in and of itself does not make it a sport.
I wouldn't call pistol shooting a sport either, but that makes the summer olympics. Perhaps if they did a 10Km run first, I would.

I have seen a number of people of blacks in the winter olympics. And from what I have seen plenty of the sprinters would be welcome in the bobsleigh competitions.
I wouldn't call pistol shooting a sport either, but that makes the summer olympics. Perhaps if they did a 10Km run first, I would.
Exactly. There are many sports in Summer Olympics that might not qualify as a real sport either, according to the guidelines stated by h0ss.

I have seen a number of people of blacks in the winter olympics. And from what I have seen plenty of the sprinters would be welcome in the bobsleigh competitions.
Race shouldn't have anything to do with it. If you love the sport and qualify to compete, that's all there is to it. Winter Olympics are filled with many white athletes, because northern countries that excel in winter sports are often predominantly white. I'm not criticizing you here, E.E. Just pointing it out. :)
Awesome. Maybe him and Kanye should stop hanging out less and start thinking before they speak. Is this what black artists and people in the media, or whatever Gumball is now, are resorting to in order to gain shock value for their own personal exposure and publicity?
Race shouldn't have anything to do with it. If you love the sport and qualify to compete, that's all there is to it. Winter Olympics are filled with many white athletes, because northern countries that excel in winter sports are often predominantly white. I'm not criticizing you here, E.E. Just pointing it out. :)
Okay, thanks.
Awesome. Maybe him and Kanye should stop hanging out less and start thinking before they speak. Is this what black artists and people in the media, or whatever Gumball is now, are resorting to in order to gain shock value for their own personal exposure and publicity?

You mean tv personalities actually have to think before speaking, too?

I have a dream.

That I won't have to listen to the race card.

And my children's children, won't have to listen to the race card.

Shall that card never be dealt....
Oh, so it be da Man keepin' all da Bruthas off da ski slopes, eh Bryant? What a scheisskopf.
Any time that there's a subjective measure, it's an art, and not a sport.

I don't deny that it's physically challenging. That in and of itself does not make it a sport.
Go into the Drifter's Forum and say that.
Oh, so it be da Man keepin' all da Bruthas off da ski slopes, eh Bryant? What a scheisskopf.

Go into the Drifter's Forum and say that.

But most people see it as a diss, which it isn't. Same with cheerleading, just because it isn't a sport doesn't demean it.
The worst part was his reference to the GOP.

And the Democrats wonder why they keep losing.
But most people see it as a diss, which it isn't. Same with cheerleading, just because it isn't a sport doesn't demean it.

I know some girls who are cheerleaders, and the most competitive teams actually train hard, those girls really have to be in shape. Not a sport, but certainly physically challenging.

Just a little tidbit there :)
The lack of whites is not there purposly. The ones who are the best are the ones that compete, if you arn't good enough, they arn't going to sacrifice a gold medal for some racial variety, that is not what the olympics are about.
The lack of whites is not there purposly. The ones who are the best are the ones that compete, if you arn't good enough, they arn't going to sacrifice a gold medal for some racial variety, that is not what the olympics are about.

Somebody inform Gumbel.... his sources were all wrong!
I can forgive and forget. He's an idiot, at times, but he's still good to watch. I was watching the show when he said that crap and thought, "huh oh, that wasn't a smart thing to say, moron." Especially since Davis was in the process of winning the first ever gold Winter Olympic Medal for a black person.

However, if he was white and said something "black" about the NBA, his ass would've been fired faster than a jackrabbit on a date. But, again, I wouldn't want to see him fired for that too. You gotta learn to take the good with the bad.
Google "Bryant Gumbel Winter Olympics" (note the spelling of his name) and you'll get a surprisingly sparse response. This episode is getting very little play in the press. Is that because Gumbel is so irrelevant, or because nobody cares about the Winter Olympics?

In any case, Gumbel is famous for being a jerk, so this is not surprising.
and of course more "white people" than "black people" are into winter sports.

There are lots of reasons for this. Most of them being social-economic. Because it costs more to ski then play basketball. Winter sports tend to be much more expensive then summer sports.

But that's still no reason to say that the winter olympics are weak because there aren't many blacks. One could then argue the NBA is boring because there aren't many whites.
The first person to try and tell me that curling isn't a sport is getting a curling stone in the groin.
Google "Bryant Gumbel Winter Olympics" (note the spelling of his name) and you'll get a surprisingly sparse response. This episode is getting very little play in the press. Is that because Gumbel is so irrelevant, or because nobody cares about the Winter Olympics?

In any case, Gumbel is famous for being a jerk, so this is not surprising.

Nobody cares about the winter olympics, er, tv viewership of the games is dwindling.
pierre lueders and his jamaican mate just won the silver medal in bobsleigh...

i guess if they wanted more blacks there, they should just find some who are into wintersport...