FWD question

  • Thread starter ryangt
United States
Sonoma, CA
Just a quick question about FWD. Was wondering how you go about loosening up the back of a FWD so that it "slides" turing hard turns. I remember when I first started to play gt5 and I powered up the ek9 civic type r and did very little little tuning to the suspension (i think all i really did was lower it). So my question is there away to go about tuning the suspension to get this "sliding" effect in faster turns for FWD cars?
Just a quick question about FWD. Was wondering how you go about loosening up the back of a FWD so that it "slides" turing hard turns. I remember when I first started to play gt5 and I powered up the ek9 civic type r and did very little little tuning to the suspension (i think all i really did was lower it). So my question is there away to go about tuning the suspension to get this "sliding" effect in faster turns for FWD cars?

Without starting a huge debate about whether a FWD car can drift, powerslide, parking brake turn, or eat cats for breakfast... the way to go about doing this is to "detune" the rear end of the car.

Your best bet however, is probably in understanding and respecting the fact that it IS an FWD car and learning to drive it properly. Not that you can't but FWD is not RWD, RWD is not 4WD etc... cars have different configurations for different reasons... some are for racing, some are for safety. If you don't like FWD... blame the french and crash the hell out of your 2CV. 💡
Just a quick question about FWD. Was wondering how you go about loosening up the back of a FWD so that it "slides" turing hard turns. I remember when I first started to play gt5 and I powered up the ek9 civic type r and did very little little tuning to the suspension (i think all i really did was lower it). So my question is there away to go about tuning the suspension to get this "sliding" effect in faster turns for FWD cars?

A few ways you can go about it. Here is what I would suggest.

You can loosen the sway bars in the rear, add negative rear toe, and a lil rear camber. Then stiffen the front sway bar, add some negative toe, and an aggressive camber angle. Stiff front, softer rear, lower front then rear. Aggressive dampers up front slightly milder in the rear.

It should kick the rear end out but track the front.

The combo is good for 1:09's at TGTT with my ITR RMed & 393hp. (set up coming soon)
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Thanks everyone, I was watching old vids that i saved and I thought it would a fun to "slide" around a fwd as a way to pass the time while psn is down.

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