G25 - 200 degrees turning???

  • Thread starter cb1021


here's what logitech website said:

With the PlayStation2 the range of rotation is controlled by the game and cannot be manually adjusted. If a game supports a Driving Force Pro in 900 degree rotation mode, the G25 will automatically adjust the rotation range to 900 degrees. If the game supports the Driving Force, the range will be set to 200 degree rotation.

Is there actually a way or is the above corect.
That's correct. If the game doesn't support 900°, then the wheel won't turn the whole 900° and the G25, DFP will become a simple DF with only a range of 200°.
there is no way to set 200* turning even though the game supports 900?
I don't know anything about the new G25 but the DFP can be set to 200° manually (electronically, not software wise).

Click SELECT + R3 + RIGHT PADDLE and you can switch between 200° and 900°.
on the pc, you can set the lock to anything inbetween 0 and 900 degrees.
i dont think the g25 has the mechanical lock that the dfp has. it just has the force feedback lock.