G25 Compatibility on PS3

  • Thread starter clanegie
As PS3 has been launched, has anyone give the G25 a try on the PS3 system?
Sorry as i still can't afford a set yet now, and believe there are certain bugs on PS3 that reports to be unable to play older games titles on PS and PS2.

I would be amazing if the G25 works with the PS3. I have a G25 and i hope it does work, but something tells me Sony in their infinite wisdom will work with Logitech to come out with a specific branded wheel that's meant for the PS3. I really hope I'm wrong.

Here's the real question. We all know Sony doesn't have rumble because they lost the law suit against Immersion. Will new PS3 games have FF and rumble in the wheels or will existing wheels work with FF. Some interesting times lay ahead.......
I think this thread should be moved to the Playstation 3 section.....

Actually, one thing boggles me, how can you effectively play FPS's on a console, Its so hard to move the analogue stick to aim... point click and shoot is much better... hopefully on some Ps3 games the sixaxis will allow aiming with just moving the controller.....
There was a thread in the GT5 but was closed because there is this colum.Now I would like to know is since the PS3dose not support the dual fedback.Will the forcefeed back wheel work with it?