G25 force feedback to strong!!

  • Thread starter RCduck7
I feel i have to much force feedback on my G25 on PS3 when playing ferrari challege: trofeo pirelli.
The wheel pushes me to go sideways in corners and when i try to countersteer it makes the situation worse.
For now i drive better with the controller but it should be the other way around.
Allthough the game supports the G25, i don't find an option ingame to change the force feedback.

I have read this topic which talks about selecting between 60 and 100% force feedback on a driving force pro on PS2...


Assuming i have 100% force feedback rightnow, this also might be changed to 60% on a PS3 and on a G25 instead of a driving force pro??
I have to push the R3+select+left padle but when i do for a few seconds nothing changed when i resume driving!?!
On the Driving force pro wheel an idicator flashes but i don't see it on the G25.

This should be the button layout...

I really need to get the force feedback a notch down or i'm afraid i will always drive better with a controller in ferrari challenge.
Holding "R3+select+left padle" does not do anything with the G25. It is hard coded into the actual DFP, and has nothing to do with the console or game.

However it appears they did not hard code it into the G25. The only way to adjust FF is through the game itself.

Is there an option to adjust FF for other wheels in the game? If so, try adjusting the FF in those menus and see if it also adjusts the FF for the G25.

In GT5P, if you want to changes settings on the G25, you have to go into the DFP settings page and change them there, because there is no specific G25 settings page.
Holding "R3+select+left padle" does not do anything with the G25. It is hard coded into the actual DFP, and has nothing to do with the console or game.

However it appears they did not hard code it into the G25. The only way to adjust FF is through the game itself.

Is there an option to adjust FF for other wheels in the game? If so, try adjusting the FF in those menus and see if it also adjusts the FF for the G25.

In GT5P, if you want to changes settings on the G25, you have to go into the DFP settings page and change them there, because there is no specific G25 settings page.

I don't see an option to adjust the FF ingame with the G25.

But i just searched through google and there is an update coming up for ferrari challenge that wil also feature FF adjustment.
But when will this update see the light of day, they didn't mention.
This hole update thing makes me think about not getting games anymore at releasedate as i will mostly finish the game before any updates come through!!:grumpy:

Also, with older steering wheels and older games you could either calibrate the wheel very detailed ingame or sometimes the wheel itself like the MC2 i have.
With the G25 and ferrari challenge i can set the wheel sensitivity to "low-mid-high" but when i set it to high and i race with the cockpitview, the wheel of the cockpitview ingame has still a smaller turning circle then the wheel i'm holding.
I still feel i have to turn in to much when sensitivity is set high.
I don't see why a 900° turning circle is needed... And i propably can't set it to 200° on the G25 like you can with the DFP with a button combination.
Another thing is that i can't adjust any deadzone.
When i go straight, i feel the FF constantly working going from left to right inside the wheel.
This makes it hard to go straight.

Sorry to moan so much about these issues but don't get me wrong, i still do think the G25 is a very good wheel!
But with PC you propably can make al those adjustments to make driving perfect for any individual, it's just somewhat different on a console sadly.
I think when logitech wanted to support the wheel as a PS2 and PS3 wheel to, they should have gave you the option to calibrate the wheel like i can with my MC2 wheel.
I still don't understand why the latest racing games don't feature a calibration option, now you just have to follow the presets the game gives you.

For now i will try the G25 on this game without the power lead plugged in so i won't have any FF, will see how that turns out.

PS: Can the FF of the G25 also act as a vibration function if the game supports it??