G25 Found mini design flaw

Hi, my replacement arrived on Wednesday I'm really pleased but it seems I've found a bit of a design flaw.

Now the people who've always got their wheel setup wont notice this but if your like me and have to setup when you want to use it , it might be worth checking this.

Ok there are 4 canals doug into the bottom of the wheel for the wires to sit in that plug into the wheel(pedals,H gate,power and usb). The wire on the H gate is slightly thicker than the other 3 wires . I noticed last night that this wire is full of punctures on the area where it sits in the canal and after a brief investigation I found it was been punctured when pulling the wire from the canal . Even if I pull really gently the wire still gets damaged !

I'm thinking about putting a hole in the table the wheel mounts too, directly underneath where everything plugs into the wheel so the wires go straight through the table and don't have to sit in these canal thingys.

Would this work ? any more ideas?

I've decided to raise the wheel a little but leave a gap in the middle for the wires. Now the wires do not have to sit in the EVIL canal thingys lol
