g25 issue

  • Thread starter NorcoRDR
I could not resist posting, even if you may or may not know the answer since the game hasn't been released yet. Still, I'm anxious about g25 wheel compatibility with ps3 and gt5 in particular. I realized that 6 speed shifter doesn't work in gt4, as well as clutch pedal. Trust me, it was still worth buying the wheel, but it's shameful in the same time because the appliances are not supported by the game or console. So maybe there are some of you, who knows, whether there will be same kind of issue on ps3.

I even tried some games on PC, such as rFactor. Clutch and 6speed shifter work but it's not like in real car. It's still possible to drive and shift without pressing the clutch. But with gt4, it was a disappointment, how come shifter is not supported. Can't forgive Poliphony for that one.:grumpy:
But with gt4, it was a disappointment, how come shifter is not supported. Can't forgive Poliphony for that one.:grumpy:
Gee, I dunno.. could have something to do with the fact that the game was released several years before the G25 wheel was created.
this is GT5 forum, not GT4...
besides most of racing cars transmissions dont have to press clutch to change gears...

but yeh the rfactor engine is not good enough for that ..
Gee, I dunno.. could have something to do with the fact that the game was released several years before the G25 wheel was created.

No excuse, the wheel has been on the market long enough and the strategy was planned way before the date of release. Polyphony knew about it, just as much as they know about next Logitech game controller generation right now.

Jaguar C-Type
this is GT5 forum, not GT4...
besides most of racing cars transmissions dont have to press clutch to change gears...

The issue relates to gt5 as well. Transmission doesn't press the clutch, never. And I'm not so sure what you mean by most, want to specify?
By most he means most. As good as they are, PC sims arn't the only sims.

Your point about PD knowing about the wheel is stupid, it came out two years after GT4. PD knew about the Driving Force Pro, that was the wheel Logitech developed alongside GT4. Not the G25, which if memory serves me was designed more for the PC market anyway.

I really don't see anything valid in your argument here. Even this thread is in the wrong forum.
No excuse, the wheel has been on the market long enough and the strategy was planned way before the date of release. Polyphony knew about it, just as much as they know about next Logitech game controller generation right now.
How do you know?

Transmission doesn't press the clutch, never.
Well, I suppose the problem is that the G25 would have to lock the shifter by some mechanism when the clutch is not pressed, so you can't just engage a gear. I think that this mechanism wouldn't live very long though, which supposedly is why they didn't put that into the G25.
Stop complaining NorcoRDR, your nothing but a useless member I would say. The G25 was made after the DFP, but it was build with quality and cheapness in mind. 250$ isn't so bad it it? Like other good steering wheels can easily cost you 1000$!!!! Does it work on GT5/GT5: P? 🤬 yeah! Just try to search the forum more carefully instead of complaining like the idiot you are!!! :grumpy: If your lazy to search, here you go:

As you can see, both threads did mentioned they have H-gate gearbox and clutch. So are you happy now?!!!
By most he means most
Well I can give same kind of asnwer, not most, far from being most
. Kid doesn't know what he talks about.

Your point about PD knowing about the wheel is stupid, it came out two years after GT4. PD knew about the Driving Force Pro, that was the wheel Logitech developed alongside GT4. Not the G25, which if memory serves me was designed more for the PC market anyway.

Tell you honestly, people who do this kind of business, think ahead. It takes years. Knowing about 6speed shifter is 2+2, most probable next logical step. Now just because Driving Force Pro has GT icon doesn't mean they have actually worked alongside, and if they did, it certainly doesn't excuse Poliphony for compatibility issues.

the Interceptor
Well, I suppose the problem is that the G25 would have to lock the shifter by some mechanism when the clutch is not pressed, so you can't just engage a gear. I think that this mechanism wouldn't live very long though, which supposedly is why they didn't put that into the G25.

That would be cool though. Doesnt have to be a mechanism, it can be digital.

Muzaffar Musa
Stop complaining NorcoRDR, your nothing but a useless member I would say.

Good luck kid, you have many things to learn, apart from being a useful member.
Well I can give same kind of asnwer, not most, far from being most
. Kid doesn't know what he talks about.
Care to prove him wrong.

Tell you honestly, people who do this kind of business, think ahead. It takes years. Knowing about 6speed shifter is 2+2, most probable next logical step. Now just because Driving Force Pro has GT icon doesn't mean they have actually worked alongside, and if they did, it certainly doesn't excuse Poliphony for compatibility issues.
Why would Logitech gve PD information about a wheel that they arn't working alongside them with. The G25 is a fantastic wheel. It wasn't expected that a wheel with cluthch support and a H gate would be available and usable on the Playstation by anyone before the G25 was officially announced. The GT35 is to date still the only wheel that is and it wasn't designed [i[for[/i] the Playstation, it just works on it. And yes, Logitech worked alongside PD and vice versa when developing the DFP.

That would be cool though. Doesnt have to be a mechanism, it can be digital.
There would have to be a mechanism of some kind preventing you from moving the stick. Unless you'd be happy to be able to put the stick into any gear and for it not to change until you press he clutch. But that would create problems of it's own.

Good luck kid, you have many things to learn, apart from being a useful member.
I would advise against going round calling other members "kid", it's like your talking down to them. In the context of your post that's definitely how I'd interpret it.
you deserve a fine ban form the forums. you call members KIDS? who do you think you are?
and yet u did no research at all before positing, and yet you sound like a *Smart A##*
like others says, Game got released 2 years before G25, they do think ahead, but they sing a contract with Logitech for the DFP wheel specifically designed for GT4.

I say BAN NorcoRDR
he's an insult to everyone here.
Hes an ass.
Enough said. If he's not going to listen to no one, why should we bother talking to him?
Do I have to understand the currishness going on against Norco here? :confused:

That would be cool though. Doesnt have to be a mechanism, it can be digital.
I'm afraid I'm with Dave A on this one: a digital solution would be no solution. If the shifter movements simply are ignored when you move the lever, you can as well just engage gears with or without a clutch. The only good solution would be a mechanical one.
I even tried some games on PC, such as rFactor. Clutch and 6speed shifter work but it's not like in real car. It's still possible to drive and shift without pressing the clutch.

On LFS you must press the clutch propperly in order to shift gear, you can even miss-shift, so is a software matter.

But with gt4, it was a disappointment, how come shifter is not supported. Can't forgive Poliphony for that one.:grumpy:

The wheel was released almost two years after GT4... Hell, even GT5P doesn't support it "officialy".

Dunno what were you expecting.
the Interceptor
I'm afraid I'm with DaveA on this one: a digital solution would be no solution. If the shifter movements simply are ignored when you move the lever, you can as well just engage gears with or without a clutch. The only good solution would be a mechnaical one.

I saw it other way around, no matter what gear was turned on, the system will ignore it, unless the clutch was pressed while gear change. This issue opens the discussion about the game controller and how it will be managed with gt5. That's what initially started the thread.

Referring again to Mr Muzaffar Musa, kid is not an insult, it's his state of salvation. I haven't insulted anyone for the past years I've been signed to boards. Ban? Big deal.

Jaguar C-Type
you deserve a fine ban form the forums. you call members KIDS? who do you think you are?
and yet u did no research at all before positing, and yet you sound like a *Smart A##*

Trust me buddy, I know how racing transmission works, you can't take that away. And don't get pissed at me, I'm cool with you. I just answer to what you stated, with an opinion. But again this is not a thread about car mechanics, it is about compatibility of g25 and gt5, relating to gt4 personal experience. I stand still on my point about Logitech and Poliphony. With all consideration to what Poliphony have accomplished, I think they're poor in marketing and weak in strategy, you can do research on current events and see for yourself.
Hell, even GT5P doesn't support it "officialy".

Dunno what were you expecting.

I was expecting the answer just like yours, shame if what you say is true. I know many gt fans who use g25 wheel, sadly they will have to jerk the shift stick back and forth just like in gt4.
GT5P doesn't support it officially, but it is supported.
The H-shifter and the clutch work in the game

Back when GT4 was being developed, the DFP was the steering wheel officially supported by the game.
Even if they knew logitech was going to develop a steering wheel with H-shifter and clutch, they wouldn't be able to make it fully compatible.

Logitech weren't even working on the G25, so how could PD make the game compatible with it?

Even with simple programs you have to test them for bugs, because there can always be faulty code somewhere.
You can't debug if you don't have the steering wheel to do the testing with.

They didn't even know the signals that the G25 would send to the console when the clutch is pressed for example.
Hell, even logitech didn't know, because it still had to DEVELOPED!

If you think logical about it for a moment than you would know it isn't possible to make a game compatible with hardware that hasn't even be developed.
I saw it other way around, no matter what gear was turned on, the system will ignore it, unless the clutch was pressed while gear change. This issue opens the discussion about the game controller and how it will be managed with gt5. That's what initially started the thread.
Well, I think that's a matter of taste then, but I wouldn't see the major advantage of your version compared to the current situation. Sure, it is wrong that you can shift without using the clutch, but then again, if you do that, you only betray yourself.

Adressing the support in GT4 for the G25: yes, PD could have made some kind of an officially known interface software for future products such as the G25. But they didn't, and we'll have to live with that I'm afraid.

the Interceptor
Yeah, just what DustDriver said. Althought it isn't officially supported, the g25 works like a charm in GT5P, everything works like it should, from the feedback to the clutch and shifter.

GT4 with g25 is like a step backwards, don't you think?

And if you think about it, the PS2 can't handle drivers updates, firmware updates, game patches or whatever it would take to make the g25 fully compatible with GT4.
They didn't even know the signals that the G25 would send to the console when the clutch is pressed for example.
Hell, even logitech didn't know, because it still had to DEVELOPED!

If you think logical about it for a moment than you would know it isn't possible to make a game compatible with hardware that hasn't even be developed.

Yea, I have to agree with your point. Can't control every technological innovation, such as introduction of clutch. It is understandable that Poliphony cannot break their heads on something that wasn't made yet, that's what they're probably doing right now, for the release of gt5. But the 6-speed, damn! Anyways. Still, at least I'm glad that the wheel is compatible. I'll be interested in finding out how the clutch works once gt5 comes out.
The H-shifter & clutch on the G25 are never going to be very realistic in feel because there's nothing mechanical about the shifting process.
I used to play a game in the arcade parlour (around 15 years ago) that had a metal gated shifter (ala ferrari) and a clutch pedal.If you miss shifted the game made a gearbox grinding noise out of the speakers and wouldnt accept the gear until you depressed the clutch and re-selected the gear again.All digitally, and the penalty was the the time spent getting the gear again! So digitally can be done.

P.S I think it was a stunt driving game where the generic car would go around a track that included loop the loops?
I used to play a game in the arcade parlour (around 15 years ago) that had a metal gated shifter (ala ferrari) and a clutch pedal.If you miss shifted the game made a gearbox grinding noise out of the speakers and wouldnt accept the gear until you depressed the clutch and re-selected the gear again.All digitally, and the penalty was the the time spent getting the gear again!
This sounds alright, I'd actually prefer that to the simple "don't bother using the clutch"-solution we seem to have now.
I used to play a game in the arcade parlour (around 15 years ago) that had a metal gated shifter (ala ferrari) and a clutch pedal.If you miss shifted the game made a gearbox grinding noise out of the speakers and wouldnt accept the gear until you depressed the clutch and re-selected the gear again.All digitally, and the penalty was the the time spent getting the gear again! So digitally can be done.

P.S I think it was a stunt driving game where the generic car would go around a track that included loop the loops?


Also: how come we never get to do loop-the-loops in GT?
I just read in the Prologue Impressions thread that in GT5:P, the car seems to fall to (and remain in) neutral if you try to shift without pressing the clutch. If so, it certainly is not the best solution, but it is a way to punish you for not doing it right. I can't confirm this though, someone has to try...
I can confirm this ... Altho in having saying that you dont have to push the clutch all the way down ... it can be rather annoying but you get used to it after awhile
I see no big point in H-shifting because all modern sport cars are moving towards sequential shift, and every day there is less sport-cars with H-shift. Sequential is the now and the future. From Golf GTi, to BMW M3, Aston Martin DB9, Porsche 911 GT3, all the way up to Murcielago, Enzo, Veyron, you name it, whatever.

With race-cars sequential is reality for past, what, 10 years?

H-Shift is a nice feature, but it's pretty much obsolete.