G25 problem

  • Thread starter max1mum
Was wondering if anybody else's g25 has stopped working? turned on the ps3 yesterday the wheel turned 900 degrees automatically so i had a quick race and notiuced i had no force feedback. so i unplugged all the cables, plugged them all back in and now it wont work at all :( All the buttons work fine the pedals etc i just cant steer, and its not much fun driving in a straight line i can assure you....

Any ideas? Cheers!
try it with your pc and see if it works. it think there are tests you can run on it to with the right software.
Have you found out what it is yet?
I'm having the same problem as you (and it works on PC), and it came fresh out of the box!

It won't even celibrate when I turn on my PS3. (although it does on my computer...)

Found the cause for my case. The thing seems to suck energy... ;) So I gave it some more power to feed on.