Try this for your G25 wheel with your PS3 and GT4:
Buttons for the G25 wheel and PS3
Top 4 The Black ones
Top-triangle-cancel-reverse(gear to back car up)
Bottom-X-enter You can also use the gas pedal for enter
Bottom 4 buttons The Red ones
Far left-no function
Second button-Change view
Third button-Pause-quick exit replay at the end of race-This button will also speed up the winnings (to keep from waiting with the cup spinning around so you can get back to racing)
Fourth button-best race line for license test
Buttons on wheel
Left-look back (default)
Right-nitro (default)
I change these two buttons around myself so I have the nitro on the left.
D-pad-same as the controller up,down,left,right. For menue use.
Also for (during race)
Look back-bottom pad
Look left-left pad
Look right-right pad
To change any of the button functions use the DFP settings in the options menue.
I have not used the wheel in photo mode. The only thing you can't do with the wheel is "exit" game. I also never have my controller on during gameplay I only turn it on to exit the game. If anyone needs anymore help with this wheel give me a shout-back and I'll try my best to help.
One last thing make sure your wheel is in the far left port(port 1) or port 3
Hope this is helpful,
Try these settings for your G25/PS3 and GT5P:
Try using these buttons for your G25 wheel on your PS3 for GT5P:
