G27 cabels on Playseat Evolution

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Is there a clever way to attach the cables for the G27 to the Playseat?

I am afraid that the cables will be damaged, when I move and / or putting it away. The Playseat take much space. So I "folds" it and store it in a corner of the room, when I'm not using it. So I move it often.
My way of attaching the cables are a bit messy, but I can not think of another way.

Maybe it's a genius out there, that has a better way to attach the cables on the Payseat.

I have a g27 and evo. I used a large 3/4" black wire loom to house all my wires and it's tied to the center posts with Velcro zip tie things.

The wire loom allows you to bundle up all the slack and tuck it into it. I don't fold my seat up and move it ever but I imagine it'll still work ok and look better.

Just leave enough wire hanging out to plug it into the ps3 and power pack.

I'd leave the power plugged into the wall and disconnect it at the power pack.
Not a bad idea.

But the ideal would been to put the cables inside the Playseat framework. And the cables coming out in the front / back of the chair, but then you will have problems with folding / minimize the chair without damaging the cables.

But somewhere out there, it must be a racing freak. Who have managed to do this. And you can stil minimize the chair, without damaging the cables.
I have the same setup and had the same problem. I wrapped the wires around the center post and used one of the zip ties that came with the seat to tie them to the post. I also snaked my shifter wire around some knobs under my seat so it stays off the ground. That wire was also tied to the center post on its way up to the wheel. I'll post some pictures so it may be easier to see.


I don't fold mine up because I have room to just slide it out of the way but I wouldn't have a problem with the wires getting in the way if I did. I only have to worry about the wire that plugs into the wall when I slide it.
On Playseat web page, where it says that Playseat is compatible with all digital driving wheels. And they listing G27, and many more. In the G27 section on Playseats.com. There are no visible cables.

But I asume, the cabels are edited out. Because it's looks nicer, without cables hanging around.

Yeah it looks like they took them out. I wish there was an easier way to keep the wires organized and out of the way. It looks and feels a lot better.
I knew it, there IS a better way.:gtpflag:

And the solution are more cables...To be precise, a DB9 serial extension cable

The setup is for the G25, but it's almost the same.




But instead for having the cable going forward, and up the steering column. You take the cable under the chair, and into the framework.


Then the cable will come out here, under the pedals. And then the cable follow the USB from the PS3, power and the pedal cable, under / around the pedals. Then up and in to the stearing column, in to the wheel.

This may seem like lot of work for nothing. But it will be neat and clean. And Most important, no cables to trip over when you get up from the seat:D.

You may want to give the cable, that runs through the framework a little extra protection. Put a garden hose or something similar around it. So you don't damage it, when you minimize the Playseat.
I got this idea:idea: after having searched the web for an hour or two, and found this page: http://kenbuys.com/playseat-evolution-seat/

And we can do it better than this. Let's make it perfect.:sly:


This is the first time I answer to my own thread.:P