G27 compatibility issues with PC-version

United States
United States
I've really only been able to find questions about G25 issues and few more questions and problems with other compatibility issues. I'm using the Logitech Gaming Software and configured the wheel/pedal calibrations, the G27 is updated, I was able to calibrate the steering wheel, but it wasn't calibrated correct, though I did feel resistance (besides, I remember pCARS being really strange to calibrate at 900 degrees). I went ahead to re-calibrate the pedals (the clutch pedal wasn't showing it be calibrated).

Once I got the pedals calibrated correctly (100, 100, 100), the steering wheel wouldn't be recognized and upon going to track, steering wasn't in the equation. Any way someone can help me with this? Should I actually start by resetting the steering wheel options? Please help me with this. The beta was a pain so I didn't want to use up space to update the beta. I tried all this the day it released on Steam and am only a little frustrated that this is made more difficult than it I would expect it to be.

Which makes me wonder: Why are console racers not having to deal with this? GT or Logitech allow for four presets of 900, 240, 450, and 670 with the full 900 calibration to work down then up from.

I beg, help with this pCARS issue. I was soooooooo looking forward to playing the final version since I haven't consistently played the game in 2.5 years. I wasn't down with the physics back then, but one time I managed to use my steering wheel recently before the final released, the physics felt much better, dynamic, REALLLISTTTIC.I really need to start playing. And I can't find any help and I feel embarrassed to ask the WMD forum.
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I found the calibration screen in game a bit confusing at first and went through calibrating the wheel 3 times before I actually got it right. Partly because I was not paying enough attention at the time and partly because I am used to doing it differently.

What I did that worked properly was

First made sure that the wheel was set to 900 both on the wheel and in the driver [fanatec wheel]
Then in game when I clicked the calibrate button I turned the wheel full left, clicked next then turned it back to the right until I had a readout of 900 showing on screen which is roughly 90 degrees right of center.

After doing this the wheel rotation felt really good in game and then I just had to sort out the FFB deadzone removal value to get the feel I wanted.

The other thing I noticed that was odd is that I have to have choose Wheel separate pedals both in the driver and the game in order to get the pedals to work properly. If I choose combined pedals then I end up with the clutch operating the brake and the brake operating the throttle and the throttle doing nothing. This is odd since I have my pedals connected to the wheel rather than the PC. It works fine when set as separate in both places though so that is what I am doing.
G27 user here too. Can you share your Logitech Profiler settings? Resetting in-game could help. In the game, are you using the 'seperate pedals' option and not the 'combined pedals'? From my own experiences, calibration is not even needed on PC, it just works out of the box. E.g. if I throw out my game settings/profile, it will just pick up the settings from the Logitech Profiler and work out of the box once I restart the game.
Here's what I do and it works with AC and PCars. First plug in the USB for the wheel. Then power up the wheel. Then start Logitech Profiler. Select the Project Cars profile. Start the game (I set up a link in Profiler but starting from your desktop works). Go straight to calibration. Calibrate both aspects of the turning circle and save. Calibrate pedals and save. Make sure the profiler is set to 900 degrees and to allow the game to adjust settings. I can post my profiler settings if you need them.

I don't know if all these steps are necessary, but I tend to follow the same patterns once something works and I know for sure this works.

I got it working just by starting it through Steam (like I was trying before). And just like that the calibrations started working. It feels a little wobbly though. Not the FFB, but the steering in general; I'll do some tweaking to get it right. Thanks for your help, everyone.
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I got it working just by starting it through Steam (like I was trying before). And just like that the calibrations started working. It feels a little wobbly though. Not the FFB, but the steering in general; I'll do some tweaking to get it right. Thanks for your help, everyone.
If it is feeling a little wobbly it may need some more or less dead zone reduction. The default I think is 0.1 Before I changed that my wheel felt just a little sloppy in the center and sometimes when driving straight I could feel the car wanting to go just slightly right then slightly left. Bumped that value up to .10 then .15 and then .20 as a test. .20 was to high resulted in some oscillation .10 and .15 both feel pretty good so if you have not played with that yet try bumping it up a little and see if it fixes the issue. It is located in the controller settings under FFB calibration
Deadzone Removal Range removes the FFB deadzone present on many wheels. For the G27 it's around 0.16 - 0.18. Note that this is at 100% FFB. At lower FFB strength it's more (e.g. 0.33 at 85%!). So always keep FFB at 100% and use Tire Force if you want to reduce the weight/feel. You want to keep this deadzone as small as possible, because it reduces dynamic range of the wheel!
@NLxAROSA @HBR-Roadhog

Very nice. I have the steering deadzone at 0, I believe :eek:. Tire Force is definitely maxed out and FFB... it'll need to be changed. I'll make sure to change the settings of the exact setting names you're mentioning.
I'll report back with the changes in case anyone finds help from this in the future. Thank you, again.
@NLxAROSA @HBR-Roadhog

Very nice. I have the steering deadzone at 0, I believe :eek:. Tire Force is definitely maxed out and FFB... it'll need to be changed. I'll make sure to change the settings of the exact setting names you're mentioning.
I'll report back with the changes in case anyone finds help from this in the future. Thank you, again.

You want to keep the deadzone at 0

What you want to try changing is the deadzone removal range

This is located on a different settings page under the force feedback calibration section of the controller menu. This is also where you will find the tire force setting.

You should have FFB at 100, Deadzone at 0 on the one page and then under the FFB calibration section try setting the force feedback removal range around 0.15 for starters and Tire force up or down depending on the overall strength of FFB you want to feel from the tires. I use 100 there as well but am using a Fanatec wheel for a G27 you may want to tweak it a little higher if it doesn't cause clipping to do so.
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