Thanks very much for the suggestions. In case anyone has a similar problem with GT and the G29 wheel, here is what I have found so far: remapping the shifters to other buttons (I tried square and x) also did not work. Still stuck in neutral. (Shifting works fine with the PS5 controller, just on default settings.) However, I made the happy discovery that if I go into the "Car Settings" and under "transmission" select "fully customized Non-synchronous Sequential Transmission," rather than the default "Manual Transmission" that the paddle shifters work perfectly. This may be what you were thinking, IfAndOr. So, as long as it's a car that allows me to customize the gearbox, all is well. This means, for example, that in "Arcade" I have to drive one of the cars from my own garage unless I want to run in automatic only. I can live with that. Again, greatly appreciate the suggestons!