G4TV & Olivia Munn Uses Games to Lurer Young Boys Into Sin?!?!


1955-2011 R.I.P.
United States
Austin, Texas
D-Nitrate / GTP_DNitrate
G4TV & Olivia Munn Uses Games to Lurer Young Boys Into Sin?!?!

At least that's apparently what is being suggested over at ChristWire: Conservative Values for an Unsaved World.

I came across this from a different article:

Olivia Munn corrupts children with her devil powers
Published on April 7, 2009 by Daniel Landis

All this time I thought Olivia Munn was just an attractive chick who did suggestive things on camera to make me want to watch Attack of the Show. Oh, how naive I've been.


As it turns out, Olivia Munn actually has "devil powers" and uses them to expose children to "breasts, uncovers legs, mouth sex acts, sexual suggestions and other unholy things." This, of course, comes from the brains of some right-wing Christians.

The article damning Miss Munn appeared on ChristWire.org about a month ago, and I unfortunately didn't see it until today. At first I was somewhat surprised by the article, but as I began searching around the site, I wondered really how seriously I should have taken the whole thing.

One of the most recent articles, for example, was titled 'Black People Music Infects Kid With Devil's Tribal Dance'. What? It would be easy to write the site off as a joke if it weren't for it being so accurate to how religious wackos preach. It's actually kind of scary if you think about it too much.

Fortunately for Olivia Munn, the site links to OliviaMunn.com, her photo section, and her video section, while also posting a picture and video as 'examples' of her evil, wicked deeds. This makes the article pretty comical if it was actually meant to be taken seriously.

Nice job, ChristWire. You can take that sentence literally or sarcastically depending on your point of view.

And here is the article in question:

G4TV Uses Games to Lurer Young Boys Into Sin
Published on February 25, 2009 by Tyson Bowers III

I’m in utter disgust this morning as I research this website G4TV. It is a classic case of “devil in sheeps clothing.” I could get into all the different way this filth is against God, but I want to focus on one show and mainly one person….Olivia Munn on Attack of the Show.

This female acts like she is into gaming, cartoons and nerds. What she is doing is, using this wool to lure young men into watching her and then she starts using her devil powers to expose them to breasts, uncovers legs, mouth sex acts, sexual suggestions and other unholy things.

Even her website is full of scum and sin. She posts photos of her half naked and posts videos partaking in simulated sexual acts. On her “blog” she tries to act like she is an every women, who loves regular men. We all know she is using this on youth to gain ratings and to drive traffic to her website, when in reality she is doing drugs with her high dollar pimps.

Here is one of her sin marinated videos, entitled “Talk Dirty”

(video clip available in the original article)

Please write and call this show and demand this devil women be pulled off the air!

All I can say right now is... God bless Olivia Munn! :)👍

And I wonder how God feels about a site that that posts articles titled Black People Music Infects Kid With Devil’s Tribal Dance. :crazy:👎
People still watch G4?

*Alternative Remark*

I’m in utter disgust this morning as I research this website G4TV. It is a classic case of “devil in sheeps clothing.” I could get into all the different way this filth is against God
Sounds about right to me.
People still watch G4?

Checking ratings... uh... yeah, they apparently do... much more so than ever before and more so than TechTV when it was the host of AOTS. Heck, even X-Play has more viewers than Spike's GameTrailersTV (FKA Game Head).
Don't priests do the same thing (I had to do it).

Anyways don't those people hate anything that isn't bible humping.


People are dumb. Seriously. They have nothing better to do other than to randomly study people from basic cable that do nothing worse than that crazy drag queen (wha whaat?) Tyra Banks?
Why am I not surprised something stupid like this came out(although they can't do worst then PETA). Seriously, articles like this make religous people look bad and its bad enough Parents really think Video Game violence Convinces kids to kill. Also, I doubt that if there even is a god, that he would find music from a certain race bad. Kinda contradicts him loving everyone, doesn't it?
Hey, look! The circus is back in town! *Starts to hum clown song*

Remember when that show was Screen Savers? That was such a great show. Now, everthing G4TV does is crap.
While still attractive, I'll take Morgan Webb, Alison Haislip or Layla Kayleigh over Olivia Munn any day.
While still attractive, I'll take Morgan Webb, Alison Haislip or Layla Kayleigh over Olivia Munn any day.

Who's that? I've seen the other two, but not her.


YSSMAN, it seems like I can always count on you to get a good laugh when you post these kinds of pictures in threads that aren't the Funny Pic Thread. I'm still enough of a noob to "teh internetz" to have never seen most of these kinds of pictures before, and you somehow always seem to place them for maximum comic effect. This one was a perfect example, although I'm not quite sure why it's so funny...

Anyway, did anyone else notice the atrocious grammar in the title of the initial article? It kind of undermines its credibility (even more than it already was) when it doesn't like the author has proofread or understands basic grammar rules - "uses" and "lurer" are pretty inexcusable. :boggled:
Anyway, did anyone else notice the atrocious grammar in the title of the initial article? It kind of undermines its credibility (even more than it already was) when it doesn't like the author has proofread or understands basic grammar rules - "uses" and "lurer" are pretty inexcusable. :boggled:

If Bin Laden had better grammar I'd vote for him 👍

sin marinated videos

Coming to a restaurant near you!

(It'd probably be a Turkish restaurant, they are normally odd enough to have big screen TV's showing soft porn.)
Its all about Kristen Holt...err, or whatever her last name is now. Listening to her makes you want to punch yourself in the head though so make sure to cover your ears with whichever hand you have free while watching her.
Who's that? I've seen the other two, but not her.

She's the blonde girl that fills in for Olivia when she's not in. I think she does the feed as well. I like her better as a host on AOTS. Plus she's cuter to look at haha.
About The Author:

If you don't like what you just read here you can just get out of my country. Now how about that smart-alack. Follow me on twitters.

About The Author:

If you don't like what you just read here you can just get out of my country. Now how about that smart-alack. Follow me on twitters.


Irony is a funny thing, isn't it?
They're small, even she has said so, and yet they crush them up and together every show/picture in order to make them appear big. I'm not saying I wouldn't touch them, cause I would in a heart beat, i'm just saying don't think for a second they're gonna look like that still when the bra comes off.
Is it bad if I have no clue who you all are talking about?

Granted, I haven't watched G4 since Will Wheaton made it awesome did practically all their writing.