gallado settings

  • Thread starter mjm_98
hi i was just wondering if anyone has a great setup forr a gallado (for nurburing) fully tuned to 600pp with engine limiter at 99%ish it has every uprgrade mainly transmission thank you in advance for anyone that could help
I guess you did not use the search right? Please do so!

You could use that or you could go to the Tuning Garage Database link (it is the second Sticky note in the Tuning Forum). There you will find most of the Tuners and links to their cars, etc.

There are a lot of good tunings for the Gallardo I must say.
Gallardo's been one of the most tuned/discussed cars on this forum all week, since PD added the Lambo Seasonal Event...

Try RKM's, or GrimmSinn's, or the half dozen or so others that are on here...