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A man is suing William Hill for more than £2m, money he lost gambling after asking the bookmaker not to let him bet again. In May 2006, he opened an account with William Hill - one of the best known bookies in the UK. After placing some big bets he closed that account after just a few days, although he chose to re-open it two weeks later. About a week later, after more bets totalling nearly £300,000 pounds, he closed it again and this is when he was offered what's known as "self exclusion". This, his lawyers say, is a facility provided by bookmakers to help gambling addicts break free of their addiction.
But two months later, Mr Calvert did start betting with William Hill again by opening a new account in his own name. By the time he stopped gambling with William Hill he had made a net loss of just under £2.1m, the amount he is now claiming against them in a High Court case due to start next week.
William Hill are strongly contesting the claims.