Game Deleted Ahh!

Ok heres what was going on.  I was racing the same Track to continuelly keep gettin 5k for winning.  I did this for my Miata LS, to soup it up as much as possible.  So I raced and won raced and won, and had enough money ro buy the 47k tires.  I raced and won raced and one baught the 16k shocks.  I raced and won and raced and won, and baught qll the other stuff I needed cept the Stage 3 N/A which cost 70k   so I raced and raced and raced the smae track til I had 40l saved uip.  Then getting itireed of racing the samet rrack opver and over, decided to go get my A licence.  I raced and passed raced and passed and finally I got my licence.  Being a little tired (Ferom staying up late and gettung up early for GT3, I deicded to turn off the TV (leavubn on the game) and just lay down for a nap.  Well, I awoke an hour later, to my dad playing Dynasty Warriors 2....  Dad u saved it right? Um no I thought u saved it.  So everything I just mentioned is gona, and I have to race again and again the same friggen track again and again!  I need to soup up this car so I can beat the Beginier Grand Champishihps.  So now, I have to start over again souping up my Miata LS....  Ah!  I'm so mad.  So please o please console me.
Hey, little bro, life's tough...get a helmet... :D

j/k, I'd be super pissed if that happened to me...

Sorry man, :frown:
Personally I do not think so.  Because if you would have just saved money and bought a higher end unit, with higher potential.  The only thing I have a miata for is the miata race.
I got the Mustang after i was done souping up the Sprinter. So get a car you can do multible things with. Like the Sprinter can race in the 80,s cup, and the Mustang can to American Cup and FR cup. Ya know?

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