Game idea of mine


It's never been easy to be a wolf. But there is a lot of honor that goes with such a life. Honor that hangs by a thread, just like our reputation. Few humans realize this. Few wolves, as well. And that is the way most of us like it. It isn't a wolf's duty to get involved in the affairs of man, nor is it a wolf's job to get humans involved in the affairs of wolves. Or at least, that's what we once believed. However, it might be in the best interest of both species if the humans knew just what's like to be a wolf. To feel the thrill of the hunt, the fellowship of the pack, the loneliess of the solitary wolf, the joy of pup season, and the fear of being hunted. Design your wolf, have a pack or be the lone wolf. However, there is strength and fellowship in numbers. Stick to the fields and forests or venture into the human cities if you dare. Help the humans, or kill them. Be just another wolf...Or become a Legend. It's your choice...when you join...

T h e

And when you die...the game doesn't end there. Enter Ghost Mode. Defend other wolves against enemies or haunt the cities. Of course, you don't have be a ghost. You could simply start over.

- Customizable wolves. Pick the fur pattern, color, even the color of the mane based on REAL wolf colors.

- Different types of wolves (maybe) - red wolf, timber wolf, Alaskan grey wolf (arctic wolf), Russian/Eurasian wolf.

- Massive open world to explore and hunt in.

- Lots to do. Hunt elk, caribou, moose, buffalo, boar, rabbits and more. Fend off bear, dogs, coyote, fox, cougar, etc.

- Completely optional missions. Do them, or not. (I'd probably have a way to turn mission markers on and off. But the missions wouldn't neccsarily unlock anything new, but they'd be a way to determine if you'd become a legendary wolf and if you'd be a good legend or a bad legend.

- Lots of Choices. Become a legend, or not. Interact with humans, or not. Get a pack, or not. the choice is yours. Start as a pup, or an adult. Be male or female, Alpha or Omaga. A member of a pack, or a lone wolf.

- Realism. Howl, bark, yelp, growl in massive levels inspired from actual, real world locations

- Ghost Mode. When you die, the game doesn't have to end. Continue on as the ghost of the wolf you created.

- Graveyards and Bulletin boards. Accumulated stats for best living wolves (BBs) and those that have past (graveyard) will show the top ten wolves world wide, and amongst your friends.

But could also work for the hardcore gamers who want to do all the missions and become the greatest legend. For the Legend thing, I'd have something like, the bigger legend you are the more wolves or other animals recognize you or feared you. or the more they'd be out to get you, or something.

Anyways, what do you guys think?

P.S. I shall now make a statement that might come back and bite me in the butt: I will NEVER make an MMO...unless it's an MMOR
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