Game Suggestion Needed

  • Thread starter wtrouser
United States
United States
Friends of mine and I have a standing Wednesday night online game night. Now that we live in different cities, it's become a convenient social hang-out BS session between old friends.

For the longest time, EA Sports TW Golf was the game of choice. After that it was Red Dead Redemption, and now GT5. I'm looking for suggestions for the next game.

The key is that it needs to be for the PS3 platform, and must include some element of BS-ability. At golf we could chat between shots, and in RDR we were occasionally just talking while riding to the next adventure. We need to be able to play the game and still 'hang out' as it were.

Anyone else in this situation? Can anyone think of a PS3 online game which would fit into what I've described?

Many thanks in advance. Please let me know if I've posted this in the wrong area.
Angry Birds, would you look for something to play off-line. Seriously, we're always having fun when we're at least 3 or 4 people.
Well there is always Little Big Planet 1/2.

Dc Universe online is free to play and dowbloadable from PSN.

2 different suggestions that are all I could think of off the top of my head with online co op for 4 people.
Burnout Paradise, GTA 4 (I know, I know, it's a step back from RDR, but it's still a great game and has limitless opportunity for BSing around. You could always wait for GTA 5 too 👍 ), or even ModNation Racers.

I can only speak for racing games since they're mostly all I play.:dunce:
Hadn't thought of GTA in any incarnation... great suggestion. I've seen BF3 and it appeared to have some of the best graphics I've seen in a battle sim. Not sure that we'd jump into another racing game, as we still love GT5 and prolly won't stop playing it altogether. And I thought LBP was fun but might not have enough 'meat' to satisfy a bunch of adolescent 30-somethings. I'll look into GTA5, but last I heard it wasn't coming out for close to a year from now... sound right?

Great suggestions... man I love this site. Thanks to all.
The beauty of BF3 is you and your mates could form a squad and work co-op against other online teams.

Plus it kicks ass both graphically and in terms of sound production. And the maps are huge.
I'll look into GTA5, but last I heard it wasn't coming out for close to a year from now... sound right?

The release date is unannounced. Speculation is leaning towards an October release, but R* could surprise us. :)

Super street fighter 4 could be an option, but I'm unsure about chat options. It's always a good game to play with friends though.
The beauty of BF3 is you and your mates could form a squad and work co-op against other online teams.

Plus it kicks ass both graphically and in terms of sound production. And the maps are huge.

Co-op would be a huge plus. Does anyone know of a game (outside of the WoW fantasy stripe) which allows online co-op play through a story line? Imagine La Noire with co-op play. Anything like that out there?