Games evoking true emotion (spoilers in effect)

  • Thread starter BKGlover
United States
Everyone's emotions have hit them playing games at some point, and usually it's the standard 'Gamer's Rage' when you get screwed by the AI or some detail falls out of place and destroys a perfectly laid plan.

That's not what I'm on about here. I'm talking about the times when you play a game and, either suddenly or in buildup, something happens that either pulls at the heartstrings, delivers a heartpunch, or sends a surge of energy you can't hold back (good or bad), all of which can leave you questioning and processing what has happened as if for that moment, it was real, tangible, and unfolding in front of you. It also helps if you've just realised you haven't moved, spoken, or remember breathing, for the last three hours.

Considering that I'm **TRYING** to decipher a game I don't think I'm halfway through yet, I figured this would be as good a time as any. Also, let's keep this to direct personal experiences, and above all let's assume no one has played the game at all and induce spoilers, so we don't ruin it for others.

Bit of background here. I was in my early teens (13-ish), was playing my Aunt's PS2 she left, it's 10 PM, my room is black aside from the TV. She also left a few games, one of which was an game I'd never heard of, from a genre I flat out didn't play. I'd gotten tired of racing, and decided to put it in. It's the original Kingdom Hearts, and the menu music automatically draws my interest, so I keep going. Pulled in by the cinematic, I'm already confused on how the hell any of this is happening, but I keep going. I choose my weapon, first heartless pops up, "OK, not bad"...then I see another two pop up and go after them. What I DIDN'T know was that there were three, and they jump, and if the camera is in the right spot, they can obscure your vision. Attack animation stops, my screen went black with yellow streaks...

I did not have to change pants, but while I was mentally swearing words that still do not exist and probably never will again, PHYSICALLY all I did was scream and scramble to turn off the console before whatever hellspawn abomination I'd summoned could lay claim to my soul. To this day, I've not played the game, or it's sequels, or any other RPGs, without the lights on.

My thought's pretty much verbatum:
Holy hell, that was a fight! Now let's grab the girl and GT...Sora...What are you doing? Sora? WTF!...OK, she's up now...Hey, why am I not following them? Why am I looooooh what the 🤬 Square! Are we really doing this? Does this mean everything I've built toward ends, maybe at my own hands?...Why did they stop? Why are they even here? There's teleport locations before this...
A hug? What? Why? HOW?!? What the hell is in my tea, none of this just happened. And if I'm not dreaming, this dolt is...right?...
(Traverse Town then travel screen)
...Whoever wrote this was either a genius or high on some hard 🤬. WTF Did I just see?!?

OK, I'm already trying to digest Hugo Strange's demise, and the rather graphic "end" of Ra's al Guhl (I hope that's spelt right) but having trouble with it due to DC's and WB's habit of not killing people, and the explosion, fall, and the HELICOPTER GUNSHIPS ACTIVELY MURDERING are bending this notion severely.

Then there's the "Joker", or Clayface as you've likely figured out by now, and the ensuing fight. Fair enough, but then it all goes 🤬 bat:censored:. Clayface falls into the Lazarus pit, doing god knows what to him and it, then Joker, then Talia, and then... and then... and then the ending happens and I spend the next three days replaying the sequence in my head because I don't believe it all happened as I saw it. Asylum was the better game, City's ending caught me completely off guard.

If you don't plan for the bosses beyond the first one, and on higher difficulties even the first one, they will eat your lunch and make you watch. Beating each one becomes an occasion because of the hell you've put up with to that point, even against regular enemies even though the game is effectively a Warriors game with boats in place of people. By the time you GET to the last mission, you've faced pretty much everything including a massive solar-powered beam cannon, a flying laser-firing spider-looking thing, a weaponized iceberg, and/or a gun the size of several train engines. The last one IS a ship, possibly the baddest human ship you've seen, and it is able to take your baddest and laugh at your pitiful attempt.

Then you finally beat it, you watch it be destroyed. Save Game. You could sit through the credits, but at this point you probably need to stretch and do your business, and while at it pump your fist and shout "YES!" every so often. Come back in time to see the ship you just used in the credits, see the last picture and last lines for that adjutant, then end up at the title screen again...Wait. Why don't I get to play those old missions again?
*select completed save*
*load complete*
O...K...didn't expect that to work. Again, why send me back to the title screen.
*Campaign intro sequence, but you have your BA ship*
Oh, OK. New Game+ I guess. This won't be hard, I'll get all the collectables, easy peasy.
*First real fight, NG+ features discovered*
Oh...ooh 🤬, I'm gonna die!

Even on the easiest difficulty, the game has just put on knucks and is ready for round 2. All the bosses are harder, laser battleships will wreck you in a minute, but you perservere and get back to the end AGAIN and face off with Evil McBastard AGAIN and just hold your stuff together with enough super glue to watch him deep six AGAIN. Save. Jump for joy...then realise you 'aint done! One short build-up "mission" later and you're in the arctic...and IIRC you get briefed, then immediately go to a cut scene where dudeman gets obliterated by an alien ship...I repeat, an ALIEN naval vessel, that fires black-plasma orbs of death and despair, shattering any illusion you had of victory.

And then, it happens. You finally find the right build, and the hellspawn dies in a violent nuclear-esqe explosion. 🤬 SAVE THE GAME! Proceed to make laps around the house screaming in victory.

Just me? Fine by me, even on easy that game can be hard as hell. I'll take the good times however they come.

Where to start...You know it's all gonna go to 🤬, I can't think of a game with a story where all the joyousness doesn't get a nuke to the face, and you know it's coming from go. What I hoped was that the main party would be established, sent off to fetch something, and armageddon rain upon home in the meantime...
It doesn't help when one of the mains decides to speak the innocuous words summed up as "I hope it's this peaceful forever" that may as well read "Hey, come kill our dumb 🤬!" But then you get hold of the Monado and what would have been shock becomes dread, then remains so for the rest of the experience because you know what will happen if you 🤬 it up!

As I said in the intro, I don't thing I'm halfway, may not even be 1/4 way through the game, but this game has shown me why seeing the future can possibly be the worst thing ever. I had to stop playing tonight because my head and my nerves are completely frazzled. The characters actually being even somewhat likeable makes it even harder...DAMN YOU, EMOTIONS!

So...anything y'all want to share here?
There has only ever been one time I've been truly scared by a game.
First played The Darkness back in 2010 and for the most part I had no problems with it. For me it was a fun FPS right through the New York part of the game. But when it came to the hell level I started to get genuinely scared of it. Just walking down the linear path was spooky enough, but then WW1 skeletons constantly popping out of nowhere genuinely scared the crap out of me, enough to give me nightmares for days after playing it. I was playing it like a proper horror game, slowly creeping around the corners of the big train you have to use to get back to New York (I hope I'm remembering that part right) just hoping for it to end. It's actually because of this game that I never got to play Heavy Rain until 5 years later all because of a certain event that happens really early on in that game. I almost didn't get Darkness II because of it but it was nowhere near as bad, plus the aesthetic would've made it a much better experience even if it were.

This is the section I'm talking about:
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With the exception of ORAS, Pokemon has found ways to make me evoke emotions since Gen V.

Pokemon Black & White:
Emotional - during the final Route, Route 10 the music really hits me, as I head to the Pokemon andhave a showdown with N over the fate of the world. You meet you friends one last time as they give you support for your inevitable battle.

Despair - During the end of the game where Ns father turned out to be a massive 🤬. After you beat him you have one final word with N about all your adventures and his misunderstanding of Pokemon before he says to you farewell and leaves (I wanted to shout out his name as he left but silent protagonist)

Pokemon Black 2 & White 2:
Sad - When you learn about Kyurem being leftovers after the original Dragon split into Reshiram and Zekrom, and Ghetsis who controls it even treats it like it calling it an empty being. It's Pokedex entry even says Kyurem just wishes to find someone who'll unite him with Reshiram and Zekrom

Anger and Amazement - The encounter with Ghetsis and how he poorly treats Kyurem and continues to be a 🤬 to his own son, the fact that Ghetsis notices that your Pokemon are angry at him also felt amazing, felt like the Pokemon and I raised are together and ready to take him down.

Satisfied: After the events of both games, you find out from the only 3 people who still support Ghetsis that he has mentally broke down. I usually don't care what happens to the villain but this is an exception, I felt so satisfied knowing that evil 🤬 has now lost it and enjoyed destroying his only loyal people left.

Pokemon X & Y:
When AZ finally reunited with his Floette, after AZ searched far and wide for it after being separated for 3000 years due to them being immortal. The fact that a 3000 year long quest which is pretty much an enternal prison was completed made me tear up.

Pokemon Sun & Moon:
Sad - When Lillie went to sleep in her mothers Lusamines bed reminding her of the time she slept with her before Lusamine went psycho and disowned her.

Amazement - When Lillie partner Nebby evolved into the Legendary Pokemon of the game.

Sad x2 - When Lusamine is defeated and Nebby separates her from the Ultra Beast and saved her from her psycho obsession and Lusamine commented on Lillie being beautiful
The Wonderful 101 was the most triumphant game I've ever played. Don't think I'll ever experience anything like it again in the medium. I was on my my feet by the end of it because it was just that intense. I've never found myself so moved by something before that game.

For me I would add Flower and Journey, both of which are amazing in that regard.

Everybody's gone to the rapture certainly hit a note, and I would agree with The last of us and it's back story add on (the name of which I can't remember).
Maybe strange to mention this game in here but it surely left an ever lasting impression. It came on 4 discs and it was my first encounter with a story driven action game which had many "AWE" moments from the beginning until the end.
  • Fear Effect on Playstation
Final Fantasy VII
The death of Aerith/Aeris, of course

The whole thing, particularly the end. However the very end seemed a bit "tacked on" to me, to create a happy instead of sad conclusion

The badass guy who helps you out later on but pays the ultimate price...or does he?

Papa & Yo
Strange game, very simplistic so you would think it would be more suitable for younger players, but deals with the issue of child abuse. Some pretty poignant parts

I've yet to play The Last of Us, Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons, The Walking Dead and Everyone's Gone to the Rapture, one or more of which I expect to tug at the old heartstrings.