Gates to leave day-to-day role at Microsoft

  • Thread starter Delirious
I know he still makes more money than he donates, but he gives so much every year that I could really care less.
Except that you probably could not care less. ;) “I could care less” means that you can have even more apathy than you already have.

Anyway, good for Gates – it’s nice to see people go on the voluntarily charitable route (as long as they don’t get all harpy about it, like Bono). Or maybe he’s just trying to avoid any responsibility for Vista? :D
Here's what ZDnet has to say about it

Anyway, I hope that there can be some INTELLIGENT discussion in here about this, rather than the immature dribble that is spouted on the ZDnet site.

I think that this is a positive move for MS, as it is time for some new leadership, with new ideas, that can take the company forward, rather than stagnating as they have been in recent times.

The charity work is admirable, although I feel it is a little under-done at times, as what Gates donates equates to little more than a medicine cup out of his ocean of wealth.